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History of the computer and impact of computers in the world

Personal computers have completely revolutionized the way the world lives, works, and conducts business. Strictly speaking, computers came on the scene in 1936 when Konrad Zuse produced what was then called the Z1 computer. This was a cumbersome machine that could perform simple calculations and also process simple data. This was not as sophisticated as what we have today, but it served to lay the foundation for further research and in 1944, John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry of the University of Iowa built on this model and produced several computer innovations that were capable of produce arithmetic calculations. , parallel[processingmemoryregenerationandothersimplecomputertasksResearchwascarriedfurtheratHarvardUniversitythenatIBMThecorporateconglomeratejoinedthefrayandin1953producedwhatwasthentheworld’sfirstsophisticatedcomputerEventhenitwasstilllargeoccupyingentirefloorsandconsumingincalculableenergy[processingsingmemoryregenerationandothersimplecomputingtasksTheresearchwastakenfurtheratHarvardUniversitythenIBMthebusinessconglomeratejoinedthefrayandin1953producedwhatwasthentheworld’sfirstsophisticatedcomputerEventhenitwasstilllargeoccupyingentirefloorsandconsuminguntoldpower[procesamientoregeneracióndememoriayotrastareasinformáticassimplesLainvestigaciónsellevómáslejosenlaUniversidaddeHarvardluegoenIBMelconglomeradoempresarialseunióalarefriegayen1953produjoloqueentonceseralaprimeracomputadorasofisticadadelmundoInclusoentoncestodavíaeragrandeocupabapisosenterosyconsumíaunaenergíaincalculable[processingmemoryregenerationandothersimplecomputingtasksTheresearchwastakenfurtheratHarvardUniversitythenIBMthebusinessconglomeratejoinedthefrayandin1953producedwhatwasthentheworld’sfirstsophisticatedcomputerEventhenitwasstilllargeoccupyingentirefloorsandconsuminguntoldpower

As we have mentioned, computers have completely changed the way we live and work. Today, computers are in almost every office. There are still offices in some parts of the world that do not yet have computers, but this is now rare because without computers, work is inefficient and cumbersome. Take for example the calculations. Companies would take days to do simple calculations, not to mention companies that handle a large amount of material and inventory. Computers simplify this work and allow companies to be more efficient on a day-to-day basis.

Another use of computers is communication. With computers has come the wonderful world of the Internet or what is called in other circles, the World Wide Web or Information Superhighway. Just as the computer has changed the way we work, it has also revolutionized the way we communicate. The term “the world is a smaller place” or phrases like “global market.” This is because the internet has made communication so easy and seamless that people can communicate instantly no matter where they are in the world. The world of electronic mail, although it has not completely resulted in the eradication of postal mail, has caused a decrease in visits to the post office or in the purchase of stamps. This is all because people now sit behind a computer and email back and forth. To go even further, specialized Internet software run by many major companies, such as Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google, has made it possible to chat in real time with someone on the other side of the world. Videoconferencing has also been made possible. This has completely changed the way we conduct meetings. Companies can now even open branches in other countries faster because higher level management can communicate with lower level management via video conferencing. People can see each other regardless of where they are, and this is all courtesy of the advent of computers and the Internet. Computers have come a long way since then and are now in almost half of all American homes and most offices in the rest of the world.

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