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Where are the role models?

A role model, according to the Microsoft Encarta Dictionary (2009 edition), is “someone to copy: a worthy person who sets a good example for other people.”

Against this simple but clear description of who is a good role model, with respect to apparent cases of deliberate theft, unrestrained looting of treasures, mismanagement of resources, absence of visionary leadership, impunity, willful misrepresentation, widespread corruption in high places and low throughout the world. the land of the recent, it is no wonder then that many, out of sheer resignation to fate, continue to ask this probing question: who and where are the role models in the Nigerian system?

Truly, any interested Nigerian, older or comparatively young, who is perhaps familiar with how the long-standing societal value system of honesty, integrity, decency, hard work, community life, and good neighborliness prevailed in the not-too-distant passed between the various tribes and communities across the country, you would normally complain about what has been the leadership at different levels in different sectors of the national economy in recent times.

This contemporary topic often becomes more interesting but cynical than ever, for example when one exchanges views with people in social circles about who in specific terms the younger generation of Nigerians can emulate regarding what ideals certain Nigerians embody in positions of leadership/authority. .

Interestingly, how do we expect children to develop good moral character, a spirit of hard work, honesty and respect for parents and elders and become responsible citizens tomorrow? Everyone is pointing the finger at someone else for the many problems facing Nigeria today. From the point of view of the people, practically everyone else is corrupt and dishonest, and their own actions are out of necessity and imposed by others.

However, according to the popular stories of a good number of older people and other Nigerians who, while painfully nostalgic for their loving memories of the enduring ideals of the good old days, when the young looked to the old for direction and guidance .
It was the time when there were living legends whose great deeds and trajectory of righteousness in their areas of influence were seductive. It was, indeed, a period when comparatively young Nigerians would want to emulate the excellent qualities of such leaders in order to build a virile and progressive society for the good of the majority.

It is no longer news in the country that many old and young alike are becoming increasingly disillusioned about what has become of certain people whom perhaps ignorantly until now they held in high esteem until the scale fell from their eyes as soon.

Being a strange development in the political and socioeconomic system of the nation, the disappointments of many people in certain individuals and institutions due to the sudden collapse of their moral fiber run through various sectors of the nation’s economy: from the Judiciary, Sports, Banking , Politics, Civil Service, Corporate Nigeria, Media, Stock Market, Academy to Religion. Sadly, it’s an amalgamation of one devastating scandal or another at every turn!

In his characteristically naive way, while recently commenting on a national television phone show, about the growing culture of greed and attendant corrupt practices on the part of leadership, when the moral fabric crumbles freely like a game of cards in these days, and the need To secure good leadership in order to get the country out of the quagmire, Mr. Yinka Odumakin, National Secretary for Publicity, Afenifere Renewal Group, captured the scene this way: “A man who has no character collapses under pressure”.

Another young man, identified simply as Odu, who perhaps out of sheer frustration at reading or watching clips of cases involving “big” Nigerians getting embroiled in some financial scandal or mismanagement of resources over time, in the comments from “You Tell Us” readers. segment of NEXT on Sunday had expressed his point of view in a penetrating way.

The reader, in the post, had lamented thus: “Is there any trustworthy public official left in Nigeria?… Why can’t people be honest in doing their job according to the established rules? Nigeria can never move forward with people. without integrity or probity like this in public administration. I’m tired and ready to go!…”

Interestingly, in its continuous stride to propagate the core message of its Re-branding Nigeria Project, while realizing the fact that a good and prosperous society is built through the meaningful efforts of the people who constitute the human community, the Prof. Dora Akunyili, the former Hon’ble Minister of Information and Communications of Nigeria, called for what is known as personal or self branding, which begins with individual Nigerians.

One cannot but agree with her that the task of positioning the country in a good place in the community of nations must, in fact, begin with individuals, families or households, since these constituents or units are microcosm of society at large.

Despite the wave of disappointments that a large number of Nigerians have had on many individual leaders and institutions due to their failure to clearly demonstrate moral rectitude and ideals in their areas of influence in our national life, it is necessary to reaffirm that there is no I doubt that we can consciously have many more Nigerians whose lifestyle, outlook, disposition and values-based leadership could endear others as role models.

Nigerians can achieve this goal when they can consciously track what they do on a regular basis that is best for the majority; develop good behavior and make it a habit; make and stick to firm resolutions to leave a worthy legacy after your time here; avoid greed and tempting corrupt tendencies; keep your eyes simple; and have a place for God in everything they do. This is because as humans we cannot do anything on our own; but with God, everything is, of course, possible.

We should all also remember that the people the younger generation strives to become in their early years will have a profound effect on how this generation will function when they reach adulthood. But then, who is your role model?

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