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Wellisian, the frog in the well

{I’m croaking! I’m croaking! (another frog ‘well of course we are frogs!’) No, I’m dying! He would have told me my fortune! (‘oh well I’ll help you with that … hit him on the head with a rock and hit him in the pond … now your fortune was right!’}.

The Frog in the Well is about what the title implies … a frog that lives in a well. RK Narayan calls it Wellisian … a little frog that has lived there for a long time. The latter is born and raised there. The frog is happy, believing that he is the best and most intelligent creature alive. For him, the well is his world. You have every reason to be completely satisfied with the cool surroundings and the soft moss upholstered walls that surround you. For him, the day means the period in which the sun appears on the pulley. Wellisian seeks an extra-social life by moving to other parts of the well to rub shoulders with fellow Wellisians for community singing (choir). They croak, eat and breathe air pregnant with water droplets.

‘Get out of the well and look at the whole sky!’ Wellisian receives a call. “Where are you from?”, “I’m from the sea”. The sea frog answers. “The sea, how big is that?” “Is very large.” Says the sea frog. Wellisian stretches his legs and asks: “Ah! Is your sea that big?” “It’s much bigger,” says the sea frog. Wellisian then jumps from one side of the well to the other and asks, “Is it as big as this, my well?” “My friend,” says the sea-frog, “how can you compare the sea to your well?” The frog in the well states: “No, there can never be anything bigger than my well. In fact, nothing can be bigger than this! This guy is a liar, he must be expelled.” Sitting in his own well, he thinks, the whole world is not bigger than his well.

Frogs are found all over the world, except on a few isolated islands and in Antarctica. They are amphibians, well known for their ability to jump and croak. Why in the world do frogs croak? Are they trying to convey some kind of vital message to our hardened heads? If you wonder why they make this noise, read on to find out. Some frogs croak for a territorial call. Others make a high-pitched noise to distract the predator. Each species of frog has a unique call. Most frogs amplify this sound with their vocal sacs, but some frogs have other ways of amplifying the noise.

We’ve all been guilty of being the frog in the well at some point, but some people actually believe that their experiences are the only possible experiences. Wellisian has very limited knowledge, limited to the well he lives in and / or the circular patch of sky above the pulley above. He has no idea about the frog that lives in the sea. Nor do you know their way of thinking. Experiencing, understanding and accepting all the ups and downs of life, in all its different colors, cultures and flavors are necessary in life. Our noisy frog is perhaps the loudest in the well because everyone admires and praises him, not only in front of him, but also behind his back. He is happy, content with the life he leads. “I am so happy to live here … When I go out, I jump on the railing by the mouth of the well … when I get home I rest in the holes in the wall … the water comes up to my armpits and supports my cheeks when I jump … if I walk in the mud, cover my feet … look around you, the worms, crabs or tadpoles, none can compare with me here … I am the lord of the well ‘.

Wellisian has no doubt that he is the puncher who knows every damn thing on earth … humanity needs his wise advice / guidance at all times … he is the bearer of all the light the world needs. .. he is an expert in everything … and therefore … he has a voice in all matters and in any way. The self-described child prodigy willing to say something … wants to tell everyone what to do and how to do it … he can even advise the army general (as RK Narayan says) how to fight … and God himself to manage the universe.

The clever donkey has a big head … he is boastful, always proud of himself, and in love with the sound of his voice. Very fond of the display of briefcases … suggestive of the lower end of the order …, inside the car with a chauffeur in the back seat, Wellisian sits with his neck, a little stiff as if the car, The driver and the road they were all under obligation to him. Outside his elegant office chamber, the elegant-looking secretary dials the numbers for him and sets appointments for subordinates and visitors … keep them waiting … Saab is busy at the meeting.

The men’s work uniform is a badge of belonging to the white-collar class and a symbol of respectability. The fan goes to cloud 9 for the compliments he receives for spending lavishly on high-profile labels. If you have a chance for the Wellisian to acquire a piece or two of the high-profile Anderson Sheppard / Donna Karen / Louis lapez, Bijan Pakzad suits worn by celebrities such as Prince Charles, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Obama, Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Jordan. He even thinks in terms of his persona, an image as strange as it may be that diets the daily news, in the office, society, and even the media, and keeps him in the limelight. It can even go to the extreme of calling ghostwriters. The eagerness to leave something for posterity about how you got to the top of the heap, you may feel that future generations should learn from your experience can be satisfied. Because ghostwriters, after all, know how to tie other people’s lives together with their own imagination.

The sea does not change over time, nor does its level rise or fall according to the amount of rain. Ironically, while Wellisian is lost in his world of fantasy and vulgar ostentation, he cannot comprehend the greater happiness of a frog living in the sea. The tragedy with our poor myopic Wellisian is that he has no idea how significant the world outside the well is.

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