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Vacation Destinations: Five Great Places to Spend Your Christmas Vacation

If another Christmas at home is too much to bear and you’re craving an alternative to the usual cold turkey and roast potatoes, here are some seasonal alternative vacation destinations:

1. Aspen – Aspen, the mountain playground of the rich and famous makes for a fantastic seasonal getaway. Spend your vacation spotting a celebrity on the slopes, sipping cocktails at a cool nightclub, and relaxing at a luxury hotel or romantic ski cabin. It’s not really a place to bring the kids, but if you’re young and attractive, this might be the place to go for the Christmas holidays.

2. Edinburgh – The elegant and historic Scottish capital in the UK hosts a series of fun and lively events that last six weeks. It all starts at the end of November and runs until the beginning of January. Perfect for families, children are sure to enjoy Scotland’s largest Ferris wheel, carol concerts and fun pantomines. Adults would love the whole great shopping and holiday market. Be sure to consider staying in a great hotel and enjoying a Christmas rabbit or pheasant feast on the big day. Stay until New Years Eve and you will find yourself enjoying Hogmanay, one of the best ways to see the New Year in the world.

3. Sydney, Australia – If you’re allergic to the cold, spending Christmas with tanned guys and bikini-clad girls can be appealing. December is Australia’s first summer month and the cosmopolitan city of Sydney regularly attracts 40,000 international visitors each year. For a true Australian Christmas, head to Bondi or Manly Beach and dine on grilled shrimp, seafood, and fresh salads accompanied by plenty of cold beer.

4. New York: The people of New York love to celebrate Christmas and, in true American style, the Big Apple does its best. Broadway shows, twinkling lights, and world-renowned shops attract many visitors during the seasonal holidays. Ice skating at the foot of Rockefeller Center, shop till you drop at Macys, ride a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park, or sip an eggnog latte at Bloomingdales for the perfect Christmas vacation.

5. Alaska: Animal and reindeer lovers should consider a Christmas break in the Alaskan city of Anchorage. Besides enjoying a real snowy winter, you can visit the popular tourist attraction in the city, the local reindeer farm. Here you can feed and pet reindeer, as well as other animals such as elk, elk, and black-tailed deer. Be careful though, they also serve reindeer in the restaurant at the end of your tour!

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