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Tricks to use RSS in Internet Marketing


Using the Internet to receive constantly updated links to specific websites is known as RSS, or Rich Site Summary. Once connected to a website via RSS, you receive links to the news and stories on that website or sections of that website. With each RSS “feed”, you get a summary with a link to the main website (there may be other links as well). Clicking the main web link will take you to the web page where the RSS feed originated.

RSS feeds are very beneficial for the internet marketer. They provide the latest information without requiring readers to visit a web page. So you can update your product page, blog, digital catalog, or whatever, and your website fans will be notified immediately. These updates serve to encourage your followers to visit your website(s) frequently.

As you might guess, RSS web pages are usually constantly updated, and constantly updated web pages have an advantage: search engine spiders visit these RSS pages more frequently. This helps increase the exposure of your website through organic search engine searches and speeds up the indexing of your site if it is new.

Now, using RSS feeds in your Internet business to drive business requires an understanding of two types of RSS feeds: RSS Feed Announcements and RSS Subscription. Let’s go over each one.

Advertising feeds

RSS feeds may contain contextual ads and advertisements. These advertisements, however, must always be related to the RSS web page or the content of the RSS feed. Contextual ads are by far the most effective because they allow ads from RSS feeds to be very targeted. In the past, banner ads and text ads reigned supreme, but RSS ads are much better as they can be highly focused.

subscription sources

Subscription RSS feeds are made to sell quality internet content. The RSS feed, for example, provides a chapter of an online eBook. Then, if the reader follows the RSS link, they are taken to a page where they can purchase not only the full eBook, but also subscribe to the author’s ezine or Internet course. The Internet course or ezine is, of course, published and used via an RSS feed. Keep in mind that this model works best when the content is distinctive and valuable.

Other ideas

Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques are not forgotten in RSS feeds. One big advantage of RSS is that it can provide SEO through backlinks. If a lot of people take your RSS feed and put it on their blog, you will get backlinks. Google, especially, will give your website (where the RSS feed comes from) more authority and rank higher in organic search results. Remember, however, that backlinks cannot be linked randomly from any web page without relevant text links. Know that a good backlink to your website is understood as a text link with a key phrase relevant to the topic of your web page.

If you use RSS, you’ll want to consider using RSS feed software to increase your audience base. RSS submission software can not only save you money and time, but it can also allow you to submit your RSS feeds to directories that maximize exposure and potential for backlinks. Now, before you go and buy any kind of RSS submission software, you should look for a software with three qualities: One, it can add your website description and optimized keywords and keyword phrases for search engine results. ; two, the software submits RSS feeds to directories that rank well in search engines and are continually tested; and, three, the software has a one-time fee.

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