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Practical tips for setting up a nursery for babies

It can be a little… not completely… overwhelming to start the process of setting up a new nursery. There are a multitude of products, styles, colors and prices and everything is so cute. Not to mention the fact that anything to do with babies is prime time marketing. Very often we are forced to believe that we must have or do this or that in order to do the best for our little ones.

Many parents will vouch for the fact that it’s all too easy to get carried away with the hype of baby products and clever sales techniques that would have us believe that babies require premium, elaborate, and quite stylish products. What really matters is that the products purchased for your little one’s room are safe and give you peace of mind as well as covering your needs and those of the baby. With this in order, you can have a lot of fun decorating and organizing an adorable nursery.

Read on to find out the essential aspects to take into account when preparing your baby’s room…

Safety, Space and Comfort first:

Australian Standards and New Zealand Standards – Please do your research to ensure that the products you will invest in meet current Australian and New Zealand standards and guidelines. While most reputable dealers will only stock standard-compliant items, you’d better be familiar with the standards and confident that what you’re buying is safe according to the best available guidance.

Space – Be clear about the space available in the baby’s room, as this will affect the size of furniture you can consider. Also consider space-saving furniture pieces, such as a combination dresser/drawer sets or changing tables that fit above the crib.

Paint – Make sure any paint used on furniture (including furniture you are considering repainting) is lead-free and non-toxic.

Plan the layout of the nursery: it is better to place cribs away from windows and shelves, and it is important to take into account the length of the cords of curtains and blinds. The cables must be shortened or eliminated entirely.

Room temperature – Investing in a room thermometer is a great idea to ensure that the room stays at the right temperature for the baby. If you heat the room before the baby goes to bed, make sure the heater is never left on when the baby is asleep in the room.

Power outlets: Make sure all power outlets in the room are childproof. The covers can be purchased from online and offline baby stores.

Some details for nursery furniture pieces:

Crib: The crib mattress should fit the crib exactly and should be firm and clean. Mobiles, toys, or bumpers should not be placed inside the crib, as they can restrict airflow, an important factor related to SIDS. You can always place a mobile above cost to entertain the baby.

Bedding: All bedding used in the crib must be free of ties, cords, and buttons that could cause strangulation or suffocation. Pillows, duvets and duvets should only be used for children over 12 months.

Changing time – It helps to have everything you need for a diaper change close by but out of your baby’s reach. You will want and need lotions, creams and, of course, diapers within easy reach, but not so close as to cause danger or distract your baby.

Toy Boxes – Ideal toy boxes are lightweight, have a non-removable lid, and are well ventilated. Make sure toy boxes are away from baby’s crib and preferably out of baby’s sight; it’s not helpful for the baby to peek into the toy box while you’re trying to get him to sleep.

Night Light or Lamp – The last thing you want to do in the middle of the night is wake baby with too much stimulation in the room. A lamp or dim light can be a great investment, allowing you to see what you are doing with minimal discomfort to the baby.

Fun things!

Setting up your baby’s room can also be a lot of fun. Since the nursery is a place to sleep, soft and calming colors are recommended and, especially if the gender of the child is unknown, neutral colors such as yellow and green are a good idea.

There are lots of beautiful templates and stickers available and many of them are themed – seaside and fairy scenes are just two examples. Consider painting walls or applying transfers with images that you like.

Nurseries can also be beautifully decorated with special family photos, toys, crafts, ornaments, and treasures. Don’t be afraid to paint your own pictures and display them in the nursery; these can be simple and add a personal touch to the room of the newest and most beloved family member.

Setting up a baby nursery is a special moment for any family. With the safety considerations listed above in mind, you can have fun with the process of creating a unique and special place for the smallest member of your family.

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