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The meaning of the queen

The word Queen means a woman, any woman, a woman with or without wealth, fame, position; women of any origin, color or creed; women without limbs or without disabilities; To the queen Ohf his dominion, a Queen to his King; her husband, a queen is A woman, a woman is a queen.

No person using the word or name Reina is above or below the name Reina. A Queen is equal to a woman in my name. Having fame or riches doesn’t make anyone more of a Queen than a Queen with or without a penny, fame or riches. A queen should not be used as a title, but rather used in reference to all women; any woman. The name Queen should not be used as a credit to any other woman.

While I sleep I write and speak in several languages ​​unknown to me. Since I only speak and write English, it’s miraculous to wake up to news views and audio transcripts of what happened the night before. In ‘The Writings’ they mention me as Queen tiye. One should not see the name “Queen” as a title, but rather see “Queen” meaning woman, as in female. tiye.

The name “woman” is the same as “Queen”. It should not be worn or seen as better than or above the equal status of any other woman. If the word Queen is used as a title, then the word woman should also be used. In fact, a title using woman or Queen means the same thing.

The source of humanity and all creation did not give a woman supremacy over other women; it is the people of the land that determined this, using titles and labels to control society… all names are references to the subject. Some names are taken out of context, taking the name of the reference point, giving it a title to show division, control and authority over others. If the reference is removed, all you would receive is the bare kernel from which you started.

We are all spiritual beings, without attachment, we are Souls without form, we are all connected, we are not above or below others. Do not listen to the scholars of man in the division of the physical realm from him; listen to the guru of self from within yourself.

The inner world is the self, and once you begin to observe that reality of the self through the “mind’s eye”. you will begin to understand who you are and the power behind you, which is the self. Only then will you begin to identify yourself and realize who you “are not”, then you will realize that we are all without labels or attachments, we are all formless beings, living in a physical body, in a physical body. land to experience it. We will all return to our destination without form, without any kind of ties or labels. Humanity, we are here in transit…to experience another existence in physical form.

A name in this life, our ancestral life, or any physical life, we are all women/Queens. If it’s a slave, a peasant, a doctor or a well-known character and it’s her, it’s a woman. All women are queens. The words woman and queen are exactly the same, neither over the other. The dream writings hold the woman in high esteem and refer to the woman as the “Wow”. The word “Wow“It was used in the writings for a reason.

Women are very little recognized beings on Earth and saying “woman it is to take away the status of a woman and add it to the status of a man. Tea “Wow” in himself is a Queen and a “Wo” in his own right. A man who is a King is also a King in his own right.

Having combined “Wow” with “MAN”, is to deceive both sexes in their own right. So the word splits to give women back the status they’ve lost so they can gain untethered freedom in their own right.

Here you will find two definitions of the word ‘Queen’, the Oxford English Dictionary and an online newsletter.

Oxford English Dictionary

‘..but the roots of the word go back anglo saxon and in Indo-European and the older meanings of the oldest of these word roots, something that sounded like Gwen, Queen was simply “woman.” There was no royal association at all.

The online newsletter article I found is below…

‘(Queen) Of German Gothic’who“, so the Old English word”cwene“which was their common word for ‘woman’. This gave rise to the first Middle English word”sissy“meaning ‘woman’, related to the modern Swedish word”kvinna,” for women.’

The woman is the earth, she is the force, she is the height of the power of the earth, the oracle is the Woman, consoler, the first teachers of humanity, supreme careers and nurses of the world, the holistic thinkers and sensitive problem solvers, the unrecognized managers, the heart of the family, the foundation and builder of nations.

The woman is the tree of life, she is the Goddess of the earth, the Queen of the human race, and she is as important as her womb – that sacred place – where you and I were conceived. The Wo (women) are the matrix that carries the golden egg, you and me. The divine peacemakers are women. All women are queens and all queens are women.

The dream scripture says:

‘Men, I tell you to respect your first home because that home gave you life, comfort and warmth. Inside that heat that you fed on Wow power and strength that gave you freedom. When freedom gave you back more strength, and power was taken to enrich you.’

‘Man, I tell you, just as your protection was in the home from the beginning without disturbance, and was respected by the wo, so you must respect another’, home when you mature. Because the home or homes you disrespect will be your home or homes. So man enters homes with grace and passion, and when you do, if home doesn’t nurture you, you don’t have a home to enter.’

‘I say The king. He who respects his first house respects himself. He who respects himself, he respects Me who gave life to himself. tiye teach and spread my words.’

The Unseen – Queen Used Container Tiye

So whoever you are on earth – the Queen of England, the Pope in the Vatican, or the suffering people of the world – when the time comes to take the journey, we will all face that journey, stripped of all fame, riches, claims. , privileges, authority, poverty and superiority.

We are not humans on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Your journey to the other side will be out of the human form of flesh, stripped of that spiritual being that you were and always will be.

Thank you for reading; and remember that the only answer to life on earth is the truth and the truth waves from your inner being. Love and blessings to all Peace..

Queen Tiye -Women Tiye-Wo Tiye.

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