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Secret weapon to get high profile interviews

I now have a bit of a secret weapon for some of my high profile interviews.

There’s a guy who’s been on my website who’s been a client of mine and who’s known about my audio for many years and I won’t mention the name because he’s kind of my secret weapon. He is a public relations expert and he has built this public relations business and he has many famous clients. He came up to me and said, “Hey, would you like to interview Vic Conan?” He was instrumental in landing the interview with Bill Bartman, Tom Hopkins, Alex Mendosian, John Carlton, Ted Nicholas, and a few other leading experts.

So look, he’s a public relations expert; Your job is to get PR for your clients and having an interview with me is good PR for your clients. I’m doing you a favor. So anytime I have a good client, they’ll recommend it to me and it’s a no-brainer.

It’s just an understanding that the client is probably paying him a monthly fee to provide PR services and he’s in business to expose them and get media time and interviews. It’s understood that when you pay a PR guy, he’ll go out and get you interviews.

So by the time he gets the interview, no one will be able to convince anyone that I’m an expert. If I only had one interview on my website, the guy would probably still do the interview based on his PR expert’s referral.

Now anyone out there, there are a lot of PR experts out there and sometimes these PR experts don’t deliver. But if you approach them and position yourself as a good resource for getting a client or promoter who has a product or service, good media time, and good exposure, there’s no reason the PR expert shouldn’t recommend you to their customers.

So find out the big names and find out who does your PR. Ask for their PR department, email their PR department and you might go straight to the boss, but paying attention to the PR department will get you to the right people.

That’s my little secret weapon and I’ve trusted him for some of the big names. I’ve never really gotten out of it and still might; I am working and have another high profile person in the media who will secure me some high profile interviews that I am excited about. All you have to do is find these PR people and have something of value and give a good interview and we’ll talk about what they can earn. But it’s basically free advertising.

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