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Powdered energy drink sales on the rise for M2Cglobal

The energy drink industry, a multi-billion dollar market in the US, has seen new players enter in the form of powdered energy drinks. M2C Global has proven to be one of the strong new leaders.

As more and more people search for a solution to boost their energy levels in the form of an energy drink, we are seeing more and more newcomers on the market. Walk into any corner store or grocery store and you’ll see an entire section dedicated to these high-powered energy drinks ready to power you through the day. You’ll even see them positioned right at the cash counter and on power walls for convenient impulse selling. Since Red Bull’s introduction to the market about 5 years ago, there have been many new drinks on the shelves. Energy levels and sales have skyrocketed.

M2C Global entered the market with a powdered healthy energy drink called ACT (Advanced Cellular Therapy). Since the launch of ACT in April and just 36 weeks later, M2Cglobal has already sold over 3,000,000 servings. What makes this even more amazing is the fact that M2CGlobal has not sold any of these through a retail outlet, but strictly over the internet through a growing member base of 150,000 people who buy direct from the manufacturing and distribution center of M2CGlobal. This member base is expected to grow to over 2 million by the end of 2006. Because there are no middlemen, M2CGlobal is able to keep the cost to around $1 per individual bag. No wonder sales are as high as the energy you get from drinking this energy drink.

So who is consuming all these energy drinks? Carlos Fuentes from Puerto Rico says, “Everyone at our construction site drinks one of the energy drinks every day. It keeps going all day.”

Many construction workers like Carlos rely on these energy drinks for energy during their hard day at work.

Energy drinks have become very common for athletes before their events to give them that winning edge that can make the difference between winning and losing. “I have my energy drink an hour before my game just like a lot of my teammates do,” says Tony Cross of Miami Florida. “I think that may be one of the reasons we’re on a winning streak this year.”

Besides construction workers and athletes, other people who consume these energy drinks include high school students, shift workers, security guards, bartenders, taxi drivers, truck drivers, heavy machinery operators, office workers, assembly line workers and all those who are looking for that extra energy to feel good. urge to drink your favorite energy drink.

With many people experiencing low energy levels throughout the day, which is to be expected in today’s fast-paced world, these energy drinks provide the solution.

Copyright © 2005 Robert Attieh

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