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Poetic echoes: what are they and how to use them

“Hello there.” ‘it “Orange soda, boom-ba sis.” oom-ba

Do you remember how fun it was to hear your voice bounce around a large room and then come back to you when you were a kid? Whether it’s fading memories, or you still do it when no one is around, let me show you how to inject that fun into your poetry. The first are some poetic and literary terms, and the final section will be a form of poetry.

Poetry and music are closely related, so it shouldn’t surprise you when I tell you that a poetic echo has to do with the “music” or sound of a poem, specifically in regards to types of rhymes.

In general literary terms, an echo is a “repetition of the same sound, or a combination of sounds, close together so that they ‘echo’ each other.[, and is a] common device in verse to strengthen meaning and structure, and also to provide melody and melody “(Cuddon and Preston 247).

Alliteration, the repetition of initial sounds, is probably the best known, but there are also vowel and consonant echoes, whose repetitions are more subtle.

Vocal echo repeats are “vowel sounds [that] they are repeated, but not necessarily in order (cotillion / billygoat) “(Miller 14). If you look at Miller’s example, you will see that he has used the sounds of the long” o “and the short” i “in party favors. Not in the same order If it had been in the same order, it would still be considered a vowel echo.

In contrast, consonant echoes have repeating consonant sounds, “but not, as in alliteration, in the same order (say / late, waver, traffic)” (Miller 14). When you look at Miller’s consonant echo example, you see that the “t” and “l” sounds in the word “tell” are repeated, but in reverse order in the word “beats.” Unlike a vowel echo, if you choose not to reverse its order, it would not be called a consonant echo. It would be an alliteration, or a type of rhyme, depending on where the repetition occurs within the word and within the stanza.

My favorite type of echo I call it literary echo. I use this technique when writing my essays, poetry, short stories, or articles. Instead of repeating a sound, as in the terms above or in the echo verse below, repeat a theme or theme. Let me give you an example. I wrote a final paper a few years ago, and in my opening capture paragraph I compared presidential candidates to apples and oranges (from the saying). When I closed my essay, I echoed this with a slight twist and refer to the whole thing as a fruit salad. This reminded the reader of where I started and helped me finish the essay.

Speaking of oranges, another example is the poetry winner Writer’s Digest a few years ago who used this technique, and curiously the echo theme they used was an orange. They began with a short stanza about citrus rhyming ability, and then got into the heart of his poem, which was not about oranges at all. They finally ended it by referring to the orange.

This can be done in any type of prose or poetry. In poetry and other short works, it can easily be used as a complement to the true subject of the poem and allows you to add depth to your work.

Finally, I have a form of poetry for you.

Eco verse


As many forms of poetry have, echo verse began in the classical Greek period. It is an “ingenious device generally known as an echo verse [and] would simulate syllabic repetitions and truncations of natural echoes to achieve a satirical effect “(Hollander 37). Hollander’s definition is for echo verse in its purest form, but any echo used for any purposeful effect type could be called echo verse in terms of modern poetry.


-An echo of similar sounds, not unlike my examples that open this article / editorial- although you will want your echoes to have more meaning.

It’s not exactly a must, but it’s a very good idea: be smart and determined with your echoes. Don’t put them in your poem to make noise, let them sing along and elevate your poem in the process.

That is all. That’s all you has to I have.

COULD HAVE or what is the poet’s choice in all of this?

–How you present your echo. You could have it along the same lines like this:

I would like a gift Feel.

You could have it in the following line, like this:

I would like a gift


You could designate your echo, like this:

I would like a gift

Echo: Feel.

Be creative. Regardless of how you decide to present it, make it meaningful.

– Choose the type of meter or choose none.

Echoes are fun for kids, adults, and poets alike. I can’t resist adding something reminiscent of my favorite joke: Orange, are you glad to know more about poetic echoes? Yes, you may start to moan, as long as right after playing with some poetic echoes.

Source Notes:

Cuddon, John Anthony and Claire Preston. Dictionary of literary terms and literary theory. 4th. MA: Blackwell Publishers, Inc., 1998.

Hollander, John. Rhyme reason. 3rd. Yale University Press, 2000.

Williams, Miller (1986). Poetry Patterns: An Encyclopedia of Shapes. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press.

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