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Final papers and essays: how to write better papers

What’s going on with your college papers and essays? Unfortunately, that is a question that many students are unable or unwilling to answer. I see students almost daily who have the sadness of the paper. Your biggest problem? They can’t seem to start. They procrastinate and rationalize. They postponed the fulfillment of their assignments until the eleventh hour. These students often manage to convince themselves that being able to write good papers and essays is beyond them or simply not necessary. The purpose of this website is to help you get started writing good college papers and essays. My simple steps to producing better essays should make writing papers at least easier, if not easier. If you really want to be polite, you will have to learn to express yourself on paper. There is no way around this, so adjust your attitude and decide that you will learn how to write a quality paper or essay that says something.

Writing good final papers will certainly help you stay in college. Failing English is one of the main reasons students drop out of university. You don’t have to do this. Use the resources on this term paper site and you can be successful. Take a few minutes and at least see if you can understand what I’m telling you about how to write great college papers.

Book reports are basically essays about a book you have read. If you have the option, choose a book that you will enjoy. If you need to see some quality book reports, do a search on one of the search engines on this site. Free college papers and essays also have book reports for viewing. What I want to tell you I learned in the school of hard knocks. The information I will provide works fine if you make a reasonable effort. The information you’ll receive by reading Bullshipper’s tips on writing college essays and term papers is concise, simple, and to the point. You will be able to remember what I have to say. Do you really want to get off to a good start with your essay or term paper? You should or you wouldn’t be reading this. Determine the following before attempting to write. (next column)


What is your essay writing task? Do you understand exactly what your professor or teacher is asking of you? As a college professor, I’ve seen too many essay writing assignments and term papers screwed up because students didn’t do what they were told. If you are having trouble determining what the essay assignment is, ask your instructor until you are clear on what is expected. Guessing can put you in a bind. Know the topic of your essay and final paper and what you want to do with it. Determine who you are writing for. Define a motivation for this writing. Saying that your teacher or professor forces you to write an essay is not motivation. You want your essay to be interesting to a wide audience.

Don’t produce an essay without a purpose. The first sentence he is going to write begins like this: The purpose of this document is… Fill in the blanks.

References for a term paper or essay Finding good references for your work is now easier than ever with the use of the Internet. During my days as a high school student, we spent a lot of time searching for essay references the hard way. We had to climb the library shelves. We had to play with microchips. We had to take a lot of notes on 3 X 5 cards. Oh yeah, we used typewriters and/or ink on paper. No one was even thinking about word processing. Here are some simple steps to learn the topic you are going to write about.

Do your homework, read what your teacher tells you. Don’t fool your professors or teachers. I tried this and it rarely worked. Learn to use academic search engines. I can’t believe how many of my students don’t know how to do this. When I say academic search engines I don’t mean the common Internet search engines like Google and Yahoo. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, contact your school library and ask them how you can connect to academic search engines like Ebsco Host or Wilson Web. You will never regret learning to use them. They are easy to use and contain millions of quality articles on many topics.

Read other term papers. You don’t care if the articles are good, bad or somewhere in between, just read other essays that refer to the same topic you are going to write about. By following my advice on this website, you’ll learn how to differentiate quality essays and term papers from mediocre essays and term papers. Even poor essays can have good ideas that can help you in your writing. This site has links to thousands of term papers and essays at a very low cost. You even get exceptions from each newspaper. These links point to a real term paper buffet; everything you want to read.

A word to the wise. I had three students in a class turn in the exact same essay, mistakes and all. They copied this essay from a free website. They had no intention of writing a decent essay. They decided to take the easy way out. They did not collaborate. Needless to say, they had a lot of problems. Dumb. I hope you will take the extra time to produce a quality essay or term paper. The only way to be good at writing is to write. I guarantee you this. Remember, “if you take from one author it’s plagiarism; take from many authors and their research.” (Mizner, W.)

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