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Criminal record: how much do we really need it?

Every second a crime is committed somewhere in the world and every second someone is also convicted of one form or another of crime. The rate or frequency with which this occurs varies from country to country. Some countries are relatively calm and quiet, while others are volatile and prone to crime.

Therefore, a criminal record is the record of a person’s criminal record. This record can be of crimes committed recently or in the distant past. It does not matter if the records are old or new, the important thing is that there is a record in the database or file of the state or country that can be referenced if necessary. Which means that an individual’s criminal record can be easily investigated at any time by individuals, institutions, the state, or the nation.

Why keep a criminal record?

Keeping a record allows the state to understand or keep a record of people’s past criminal behaviors, whether they have ever been convicted of any crime, and also to be able to predict their tendency to commit more crimes in the country. future. This also allows the state or the court to determine or differentiate a habitual offender from one who has just committed a crime for the first time, and to know how to defend him when he is prosecuted in a court of law.

In addition, keeping a proper record ensures that offenders are not appointed to sensitive public positions, such as the finance minister’s office, the accountant general, the defense minister, or other positions that require trust and probity. Employers also use this registry to recruit men of proven character for their companies; They save themselves the pain of employing people of questionable character and who cannot be trusted with confidential records / files or public funds.

Criminal records also help prevent ex-convicts from running for office and being elected to public office. In several countries, ex-convicts are not allowed to participate in elections; therefore, having a criminal record will allow the state or political parties to filter out those who have a damaged record.
It also helps reduce the crime rate. When people know that any crime they commit will damage their image and prevent them from enjoying certain privileges, they will do everything humanly possible to refrain from committing crimes. This invariably minimizes the rate at which crimes are committed.

Sources of criminal records

Criminal records can be obtained from the following sources: Criminal Records Bureau (CRB), Federal Bureau of Prisons, Family Watch, Court Records, Police Records, Nationwide Criminal Records Website, Public Records Finder, Integra scan, criminal record search engines, Neighborhood Watch (criminal searches), free public information, etc.

While some state laws require you to inform the person involved before conducting a background check on him, others make it easier by passing laws that allow access to sources of information about people’s criminal records. The laws of the state or country must be followed when you want to conduct a criminal background check on a person.

It should be noted that not all crimes committed by a person and recorded in the registries can prevent those people from seeking public office or being employed by reputable companies (eg minor offenses). However, the following crimes may make it difficult or impossible to search for positions of public trust: Sex crimes (e.g., Rape), robbery, burglary, murder, fraud / embezzlement, serious traffic offenses, armed robbery , spoofing, forgery, tax evasion / tax evasion, murder, arson, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, kidnapping, kidnapping, vehicle theft, treason, assault and battery, etc.

The next time you are tempted to commit a crime, remember that there is a criminal record and that giving in to such a temptation can damage your reputation for life. Run away from crime and enjoy life and freedom to the fullest.

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