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Zilactin Gel Relief for Cold Sores

For those who regularly suffer from cold sores or blistering fevers, they should try many medications to find the one that will help them fight these sores. The funny thing about cold sore medications is that not all medications work for everyone. One of the best cold sore remedies Zilactin gel for cold sores.

Zilactin gel can be purchased at most pharmacies or health centers. It costs approximately $ 15 per treatment cycle. An interesting thing about this drug is that there are several forms available on the market.

Zilactin Cold Sore Gel Instructions

Apply it to the affected area when you feel the burning or tingling sensation start. It usually prevents the appearance of a cold sore in the mouth. The liquid gel dries quickly when applied to the affected area. Several studies have concluded that Zilactin is a really effective treatment.

Zilactin gel can also be used to treat cold sores that have already broken down. To remove an active ulcer or fever blister and reduce pain by decreasing the duration of cold cold sore healing, you will need to apply Zicatin gel to the affected area. By applying the Zilactin gel to a blister, it will make a protective seal over it. It then prevents accidental touching or food particles sticking to it, etc.

The best thing about cold sore medications is that it helps the patient to relieve pain caused by cold sores. The effectiveness of the medicine to treat cold sores varies from person to person. In many cases, Zilcatin cold sore gel works well. Using cold sore medications reduces healing time to 10 days or less. It will be nice to go for prescription drugs, but among the over-the-counter drugs, Zilcatin is the best. If you don’t get relief from over-the-counter medications, you should visit your doctor.

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