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WoW Quest Helper Tips to Level Up Faster

As we all know, quests are the fastest way to level up in World Of Warcraft and programs that offer a good quest wizard for WoW are the easiest way to do it because they provide detailed step-by-step quest paths and instructions within of the game interface.

There are a few tips I recommend keeping in mind when using any of the best WoW quest helpers, but the most important tip has to do with selecting a good quest helper that will actually allow you to level up a toon. Many of the free quest programs don’t provide the necessary steps or direction to be able to level up quickly. They may provide a shaded area to go to for a particular search, but they don’t help at all with things like:

  • Where to search for a certain level range.
  • Which quests are worth doing and which are not worth doing. Yes, there are quests that are a waste of time when you’re trying to level up.
  • They don’t provide step-by-step paths on exactly which quest to choose or efficient ways to complete groups of quests.

There are WoW quest helpers that are specifically designed for people who have a limited amount of time to play but still want to be able to level up toons very quickly in the time they have to play. Sites like WoW Quest Helper Reviews offer some good reviews and demo videos of these programs.

Now let’s move on to my quest wizard for WoW tips:

  1. Create an alt to place on a mailbox in a city with an auction house. While you have limited funds and bag space, you can simply stop at a mailbox and send the contents of your bag to this alt. At the end of your browsing session, you can log in to your alt and the vendor or auction house for those items. This also gives you much more storage space because you can keep items in the alternate mailbox for up to 30 days. It also has the bank slots for the alt to store more items.
  2. Upgrade your bags as soon as you can. The only purchases you need to make for your first 20+ levels are bags and food/water. This gives you more storage space while on a mission and allows you to stay on the mission for longer. This means you level up faster. Upgrading equipment in these first 20+ levels is a complete waste of gold. Save it for your level 30 mount.
  3. Make sure to always restock on an ample supply of food/water whenever you are in a city. Having to stop in a quest run to find these items will slow down your leveling time.
  4. Just pick the quests your WoW quest helper tells you to pick. These programs are designed so that you only do the most effective missions to level up quickly. Don’t get distracted from your program by doing those time-wasting missions.

These WoW quest helper tips along with a very good quest helper program will help you level up any toon in the shortest possible time.

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