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Why Nutrition Matters – 3 Reasons Good Nutrition Is So Important

If you want to improve your nutrition, there are three things you need to know to live a longer, healthier life. They are a balanced diet, the nutritional value of your food and the exercise you do.

I’ll explain each of them in this article and show how you can use them to achieve your own nutritional goals.

Why is nutrition important in a balanced diet?

Eating a balanced diet is only worth it if you make sure the foods you eat have real nutritional value and you get enough exercise to complete the circle.

A balanced diet requires eating a good variety of whole foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein sources like beef, chicken, and fish.

Our bodies are approximately 70% water and need a regular supply of water to maintain the optimum level. We can live without food for some time, but not without water.

Why is nutritional value important?

Increasing the nutritional value of your food requires avoiding highly processed foods and reading food labels to make sure foods contain what you expect and do not contain hidden sugars, saturated fat, and sodium.

Much of the food we have at our disposal is so processed that it retains very few of the original nutrients. We need to look for foods that retain their nutritional value for us and eat a much higher percentage of these types of foods.

In general, we should avoid drinks with additives, such as sugar and flavorings, or keep them to a minimum. Soft drinks will provide the liquid we need, but they have limited nutritional value, so they are best avoided.

Why is nutrition important for exercise?

Exercise should be viewed as a very important part of a nutritional triangle that includes the food we eat and the water we drink. Sufficient exercise is vital to our well-being.

Exercise consumes calories that we need to replace or use to eliminate stored fat in the body. High levels of exercise require an equivalent level of nutrition to maintain a healthy balance.

The amount of water we need will increase with the level of exercise, and our calorie intake will also increase with our level of exercise.

We get energy from the food we eat, so it is important to eat enough food with good nutritional value. A balanced diet results when we eat a very good variety of foods.

If we want to lose weight, we can use exercise to burn excess calories and control our nutritional intake to maintain or improve our health.

We need to balance the level of our exercise with our nutritional and water intake.

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