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Why does God allow cancer?

My fears increased as each day went through another series of tests declaring that the cancer was still present. Relatives I hadn’t seen in years began filing past my hospital room. They are expressions that reflect concern mixed with goodbyes on the deathbed.

All the time this was happening to me, I kept thinking, why me? Why did God allow cancer to hold me for ransom? What am I supposed to learn from all this pain that I am suffering from this disease?

Have you ever felt like your life was perfect for a moment and then suddenly everything changed? You thought that your existence could not improve and suddenly something terrible happened. A pain started very small and grew until your whole body was screaming in torment.

Rushing to the doctor, your worst fear was revealed, the big C had cast a web over your life. The cancer had metastasized and the doctor’s only plan of attack was immediate surgery followed by months of chemotherapy.

As the days passed and the weeks turned into months, her once healthy body was now scarred by numerous surgeries. You were swollen, and your skin color no longer radiated the once-perfect tropical tan. You look back at how your life used to be and it amazes you how quickly everything can change.

As she drifts in and out of consciousness from her numerous chemotherapy treatments, her mind begins a search for understanding of why me? You were living a good life with a great job. You had a family and sometimes you even went to church. Why do I have cancer? I have never hurt or taken advantage of anyone! Why am I being punished? Why is God doing this to me? I’m a good person!

Romans 8:28-30, “We know that God works all things for good to those who love him, that is, those whom he has called according to his purpose. Those whom God had already chosen, he also set apart so that to be like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many brothers. And so, those whom God set apart, he called, and those whom he called, he arranged with himself, and shared with them his glory.”

Literally thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Everyone goes through multiple stages of grievance starting with why me? Those who have faith question God’s purpose to make them endure the big C. Others, who have never established faith, begin to seek answers from those who are Christians.

First of all, God did not create cancer! He did not choose you to punish you for the sin in your life. God loves people! Cancer is the result of people falling prey to an evil world.

Look at our world today! There are injustices everywhere. Illness and death are widespread. War and famine are a common theme reported in the news around the world. Nothing in our world is perfect.

To understand why cancer has caught you off guard and held you captive to its torments, you must understand our world. The only way to understand this world is to allow what cannot be seen in your life.

Believing in God is essential to survive in an imperfect world. You must have faith in what you cannot see to understand your current life situation. In the beginning God created a perfect world. But when Satan tempted Adam and Eve with the ability to understand; everything changed!

To determine the difference between right and wrong, you must be given examples. All diseases are bad. All wars are fought not for freedom and justice, but for greed and power. Most murders are committed out of rage. To make fair decisions and gain wisdom, we must have small or extreme examples for our own judgments of what is right and what is wrong.

We live in a wicked and corrupt world that is ruled by Satan. An invisible world of spirits enters and influences our thinking. A spiritual world that challenges our belief systems through the experiences we go through in our lives for better or worse.

While Satan is the great deceiver and corrupter of the world, God has provided the Holy Spirit to come in and help us when we face uncertain times. This is the reason why we must have God in our lives. God takes the pain of cancer and helps us live moment by moment. He sets us an example of what God can do when we allow him to work in our current situation.

Sometimes it is God’s choice that we be healed and sometimes it is His will that we die for Him. All things work together for good when God is in control. But when we believe only in this corrupted world, we only have doctors to help us overcome our diseases.

Having God gives us strength and perseverance, while following the world leads us down paths of guilt and hate. Think about the life of Jesus. He did nothing but good for the people. He healed the sick and cast out demon spirits that tormented people’s thoughts. However, no matter how much good he did in his life, he was still crucified.

To become like Jesus we must understand that suffering is part of this world. Satan wants to destroy people and make them give up their faith in God. God wants us to surrender our lives to Him and trust that no matter what, He will be there for us.

Romans 8:31-33 “In view of all this, what can we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? Certainly not God, who did not even withhold his own Son, but offered him for us all He He gave us his Son, will he not also give us all things freely? Who will accuse God’s chosen people? God himself declares them innocent!

I cringe every time I watch a TV show that deals with cancer or death and the first thing that comes out of the mouth of the actors or actresses is why did God do this? God is not bad. God loves people so much that he showed us through the sacrificial death of Jesus what it takes to fight for understanding in this world. To understand the good; we must have the example of evil.

Jesus came so that we would have the Holy Spirit in our lives. A good Spirit who tells us the truth about our current situation. A Holy Spirit to be our guide so that whatever we go through we can gain understanding through our ability to believe that God can and will help us no matter what cancer can do to destroy our lives.

To have faith in God is to equip ourselves with the ability to fight cancer. God is our strength. Prayer is our ability to communicate with God freely without hesitation. The Holy Spirit gives us supernatural power to bring cancer to its knees. The Bible gives us hope and directs us to have faith that God will never fail us or abandon us when it seems like we have lost our health forever.

Why does God allow cancer? God hates cancer! Cancer is the result of Satan’s power to hurt people in the world. God is ready and can help us fight. Even if the struggle leads us to death, God promises us that he will reward us in Heaven for the pain we have endured. We are his Christian soldiers. Soldiers fighting against Satan and this evil world.

God takes the evil of cancer and shows how our determination through all that we suffer is an example to others of what God can do in our lives even when the prognosis is bad. God changes the lives of our friends and family when they see that we will not give up our faith no matter what happens to us.

God takes what Satan did to us and shouts to the world that we did nothing wrong. We do not sin and we are not guilty! It takes the evil of cancer and makes us an example to others of what you can do when you have faith in God.

Romans 8:34-39, “Who then will condemn them? Not Christ Jesus, who died, or rather, who rose again and is at the right hand of God, praying for us? Who then can separate us? of the love of Christ? Can tribulations, hardships, persecutions, hunger, poverty, danger or death do it? As the Scripture says: “Because of you we are in danger of death at all times; we are treated like sheep to be slaughtered.’

No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! Because I am sure that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other rulers or heavenly powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below, there is nothing in all creation that can never separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord”.

We live in a world where we will learn the difference between good and evil. Cancer is evil. God is good. With God’s help we can bring cancer to its knees and show Satan that even if it means death, we will not give up our faith in God!

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