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Who the hell is Clinton Ober?

Clinton Ober was born on July 14, 1944. He spent his learning years growing up and becoming familiar with nature while living in the state of Montana. His initial training in nature consisted of learning many of the customs of the Native Americans who resided nearby. His surrounding community consisted mainly of ranchers and farmers from whom he discovered his deep respect for the land he walked.

What really sets Clinton apart from most people is that Mr. Ober made a life-shaking discovery. During a period of his life when he was ill and nearly died, he spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital. One day when he woke up, he realized that the blues in the sky and the greens in the grass were more vivid and clearer than he had previously noticed. He had a great desire to do something constructive that would benefit humanity, so he quickly parted ways with all his material possessions and ventured into a new life. As he sat thinking, he wondered what he would do with his life now and, to his amazement, he came up with a short quote, “become an opposing position.”

This quote was clearly etched in his mind as he went about his daily tasks. Perhaps your subconscious was trying to send you some kind of message telling you what your top priority should be now. As he studied the subject further, he came to understand that even as humans we have a particular bioelectrical relationship with the earth around us. This concept was similar to that found in electrical theory. He concludes that by grounding the human body could neutralize itself of any charge, resulting in a more positive nervous system.

Since we currently live in a predominantly electrical world, we have lost contact with our natural grounding effect which leaves us extremely vulnerable to any type of external electrical interference. Clinton concluded that this affects the way our cells behave and the transfer of vital information about our well-being.

Over a period of several years, Clinton spent a considerable amount of time delving into the mysteries of charges, grounding, and their effects on the human body. This was virgin territory and the engineers and scientists, as well as those in the medical profession he consulted, were essentially useless in providing data for Clinton’s work. Finally, he compiled a paper on EMF and its complicated body-related problems. Mr. Ober noted that the effects that occur to humans when subjected to specific amounts of EMF simply cannot be reproduced in animal tests. He wondered what was different here.

Aha, the answer was in the shoes. Animals don’t wear shoes, but humans wear them for many hours every day. Furthermore, the animals did not sleep in beds isolated from the ground. Without shoes and sleeping on the ground, the animals were effectively discharging excess static buildup.

It was found that when humans were grounded in their sleep, the body’s healing took a quick positive jump. With her new knowledge, Clinton devised a method in which humans could be grounded while sleeping in their bed. The result of this research was that 85 percent of the test subjects fell asleep faster when grounded and 93 percent admitted that they slept better. There was a marked sense of rest upon awakening, less muscle stiffness, and a drastic reduction in back-related problems.

Just as everyone was preparing to call Mr. Ober a charlatan, his research was confirmed by a Dr. Russell Whitten who confirmed the results by grounding 35 of his patients. Without a doubt, the human body needed to have a period of grounding in order to lead a stress-free lifestyle. Grounding the body can have a significant effect on the health of the body. Also, going barefoot whenever possible provides a similar result. So now you know about the important work done by Mr. Clinton Ober. Try your own experiments and see what comes to mind.

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