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When you are unsuccessful in reporting

How do you measure success? Do you see it as winning big contracts, promotions and raises, awards and effusive letters of appreciation, or do you settle for a simple ‘thank you’, knowing you’ve done a good job? Or maybe more free time is your vision of success.

It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that some people measure success as simply getting out of bed, washing up, and dressing in the morning. Yes, medals, certificates, and awards are all very well, but going from a low point to a successful bottom line can take real courage and tenacity.

In fact, not every day can be a massive success and not every day witnesses great achievements and newsworthy results. So, what about those moments when there are no successes to report, and no great reasons to celebrate?

Let’s first consider the people who are built for success, those people who have made and lost millions, sometimes multiple times. They know about success and understand the necessary drive and vision, the necessary tools to grow, prosper and excel, how to see setbacks as learning points. They have the tenacity and resilience to see past challenges, rarely considering failure as an option.

These people recognize opportunities to be flexible and reassess the big picture, ready, if necessary, to take a detour down another route. They have the mindset and determination to see past the obstacles and can apply that approach time and time again.

It is important to reflect that the time spent identifying and developing the skills necessary to succeed is itself a significant investment in any eventual achievement. Showing up is the first positive action, showing that you are ready and willing to learn and persevere. So making that phone call, sending that email, attending that networking event are all important foundations to build on.

Think about baking a cake. There are many tasks required before the reward of a beautiful sweet arrives; shopping for ingredients, making sure you have the necessary kit, knowing what to make, the recipe, how long to bake it all add up to the end result of a delicious cake, and all are mini-hits in their own right.

Being disciplined establishes good habits. And even a disastrous result can teach us how to do things differently. After this last year of perhaps barely leaving the house, being cooped up with little work, money, and an equally stressed partner or children, success can simply consist of showing up with a smile, informed, and ready to go. Mutual support, empathy, and understanding are especially important at this time, along with gentle encouragement.

Success often includes learning new methods and skills, being flexible, adaptable, working in a team when necessary, being receptive to different ideas, being prepared to delegate when others have more time or experience. In addition, personal care, attention to the quality of sleep, food, breaks, exercise must also be taken into account. Doing this is a good way to instill an enthusiastic mindset that is focused on a rewarding ending.

And in business, success can include outsourcing or hiring other staff members, although this may initially seem like an added stressor, rather than exciting success. Hiring someone adds financial overhead and can also physically remove them from your business while you train and supervise her work. But ultimately, an additional team member will free you up for other work or allow you to take time off to recharge your batteries, a success in itself.

If staying focused is difficult, it’s important to find ways to work on any underlying issues and problem areas. Using the services of a therapist, business coach, or mentor, mingling with like-minded people who understand and provide support, sharing and discussing problems with family, friends, or professional groups are all ways that can help you manage stress and find positive ways to cope. face it. .

However, if work has become a thankless environment, some people may feel trapped, with few options for change. Options are often limited when there are children to care for, a salary to earn, friends and family to accommodate. But people in those situations can eventually vote with their feet and walk away. But succumb to stress and poor health. On average, UK workers take 5.8 sick days each year, at a cost of £723.80 per employee or £77.5bn to the economy.

The work environment must be considered when management evaluates the performance of staff and their continued commitment to results and growth. Setting goals that staff feel are relevant and important, that motivate them to strive and succeed, provides significant benefits to everyone involved. As well as being understanding and providing the relevant support.

So, whenever you feel like you don’t have any successes to report, start by giving yourself credit for every little step along the way. Even things like taking a shower, making a phone call, tidying up your inbox, filling out a form, can be significant outcomes in your day. Planting and nurturing the seeds, staying focused, supporting good habits all encourage your vision on your journey to whatever success is for you.

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