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What you need to know about branding your podcast

This is usually the first question I ask someone who asks for my help launching their podcast. This is probably the most important question a new podcaster can answer. It is a question that only they can answer. And the answer to this question will guide you to success.

Not answering this question properly will almost always guarantee failure!

If you say, “I want to reach everyone,” what you are really just saying is “it won’t reach anyone.”

Many people, myself included, when they start, again, whether with a podcast or a business, make the rookie mistake of thinking, “I don’t want to exclude anyone. I want to make my podcast as many people as possible. will listen “.

It would be like the old “General Store” of some small town. A little of this, a little of that. Really good if you need a fuse for a circuit box or to grab a piece of tape and don’t want to drive 10 miles into a bigger city. But if you were looking to buy a state-of-the-art television, would you go to the General Store and look at three-year-old models, dusty and sitting on the shelf? NOT. I would go the extra mile to find a store that sells televisions, new televisions. Latest and best televisions.

Your marketing should be the same way.

Another rookie mistake is to advertise in the same way that the “greats” advertise. Don’t try to copy other people’s ads! Especially when you are just starting out! They have huge advertising budgets. They have marketing departments. They have graphic arts departments. They have access to budgets that spend more on lunches than you on advertising in a whole year. Don’t try to copy what they are doing!

This is called “mass marketing.”

Also called “brand”. That is a fancy term that is in play today.

“Well, shouldn’t I mark my name? I just want to” make my name known. “

Let me put it on you like this.

How much money does “Coca-Cola” spend on advertising in a year? Magazines, billboards, television, radio, the sides of buses, etc.? Also don’t forget the big sporting events. Probably MILLIONS of dollars, right?

That is mass marketing or “branding.”

The last time you walked into a store and bought a Coke, why did you do it? What made you buy a coke? You probably bought a coke instead of any other brand (and I’m using coke, but if you’re a Pepsi drinker, it’s the same). He probably bought a coke because, unconsciously, that’s what he thought because he was thirsty. You didn’t stop to look at all the alternatives. You didn’t stop to read the labels and compare everything. He didn’t stop to look up the scientific discussions on his smartphone about the benefits of coke versus a bottle of water. You were thirsty and you had a coke!


It took Coca-Cola billions and billions of dollars over many, many years to achieve that level of name recognition.

That’s the amount of time, effort, and MONEY it will take to compete at that level to “Get Your Name!”

So don’t do that!

A quicker example …

I enjoy golf. The first time I went to play golf, I scored 99 points! That’s right, the first time I played golf, I shot a 99!

When I tell people this story, they are really impressed.

What I explain later is that I had a date and could not meet my friends on the first tee. I put them on the 10th tee. I shot a 99 on the back 9 holes. It’s not that impressive now, is it?

But, at first glance, it sounds impressive. It seems like maybe it was pro stuff … able to go out there and compete, with a little practice, against Tiger Woods and those PGA Tour pros who shoot 67 on 18 holes. Professionals who have played golf for years and years and spent several tens of thousands of dollars to get where they are.

If he had decided to try to compete at his level, it would have been a miserable failure. They could hit their 9 iron further and with greater precision than I could with a driver.


You will fail.

You will lose your most precious asset right now: MONEY!

Therefore, define in very specific terms WHO your target audience will be. Then design every piece of advertising, promotions, and of course every episode of your podcast to reach them!

What can you do that will push you to success?

Identify who your only target audience will be! Others may join in, but you must reach out to that one person in everything you do!

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