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What men find attractive in an older woman

Do you want to know what men find attractive in older women? Who says you lose your sex appeal as you get older? Just because a woman is older than him does not mean that she will find her unattractive.

In fact, many men wouldn’t mind dating an older woman. Why is that? Well, here are some tips on what men find attractive in an older woman.

1. Trust

Unlike women who are in their 20s, an older woman knows who she is. This means that you should not be ashamed of your age. So what if you’re in your mid-40s? This just means that you know who you are and are more confident in yourself now than before.

You have your own life, and you’re past that needy, sticky stage where you’re desperate for a man’s attention. You’ve also gotten over the “is she prettier than me?” phase that many women went through when they were younger.

2. Emotionally stable

Because you are at that age where you know who you are and what you want in life, you are emotionally stable. You don’t spend your time searching or pining for things you can’t have. You accepted life and more matured in your way of thinking.

You also see things differently and men like that. You are more laid back unlike younger women who want to have families, succeed and keep looking. And because of that, a younger man can also feel relaxed around you.

3. More health conscious

That’s right, eating healthy and having given up bad habits such as excessive alcohol and cigarettes is a plus when you are an older woman. He exercises regularly now because he is more concerned with his health. Of course, apart from that it can also be for vanity. You want to look good for your age and there is nothing wrong with that.

In fact, because you’re more health conscious, the end result is that you actually look good for your age. You have a lot of self-respect and that’s something men find attractive.


Older women have more experience in life. This means that you are capable of making sound decisions and you are not going to do anything petty like make out with your man’s best friend or something stupid like that.

Of course, this also means that you have more experience in bed and who doesn’t want to please their sexual partners? You are not shy about talking about what makes you happy sexually so your man can do the right things. In turn, he makes him feel good that you’re satisfied. It’s a win-win situation for the two of you.

Now that you know what men find attractive in an older woman, maybe you wouldn’t think twice about dating a younger man. Her age and experience is actually her arsenal. There is no need for you to feel embarrassed because you are older than him. Remember that age is just a number and as long as you are confident, you have nothing to worry about.

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