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What keeps one awake

Thoughts prevent sleep in the first hours:

Being woken up:

It’s four o’clock in the morning here now I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep my poor old dog is snoring in the room along with my husband not sure who is making more noise lol and the cat well he se It has taken over my half of the bed or should I say what’s left of it now, the other half spilling out onto it almost faster than I could vacate it.

Not being able to go back to sleep:

My biological clock hasn’t caught up from the time it went forward or backward, my brain isn’t working properly right now either, it’s strange how lack of sleep can do that to you. Once I wake up, that’s it, I have to get up, as soon as thoughts start going through my head, like the things I want to do, the things I must do, the things I have to do, the things I know What should I have? I have no intention of doing it or am very unlikely to bother doing it because I can think of better or more interesting things I could or would like to do.

Thoughts prevent sleep:

There are times when you think about the things you have to do that you really don’t want to do, because you can’t have a result of your actions that you fear or don’t want to face. These are mostly negative thoughts and are the worst for keeping you from going back to sleep, but positive thoughts can do the same thing to you too.

For example: when I had to take my poor little dog to the vet because she had a phantom pregnancy that left her with a lump that wouldn’t go down, which actually got bigger all of a sudden, so it was on my mind that I had to take her back I went to the vet to get it fixed, so of course I was really worried about this because I knew that one day I wouldn’t be bringing her home to play again. In fact, just thinking about this reduced me to involuntary tears, which in turn prevents me from going back to sleep no matter what time or for what reason I had woken up at night or in the early hours of the morning. It’s these kinds of things or upcoming events that you’re excited to do for whatever reason that will keep you from going back to sleep when you wake up at a supernatural hour.

Going back to sleep:

The method I use to go back to sleep may sound a bit strange. In fact, I get up and do something positive, no matter what it is, even if it’s just doing a little housework so there’s less to do the next morning or answering some pending emails, just whatever you feel like doing. . Then go back to bed, clear your mind of thoughts through meditation, and if you’re like me, you’ll eventually fall asleep…

I wrote this, smoked a cigarette and hot milk, answered a couple of emails, then went back to bed. Because tomorrow is another day that hopefully will be good for everyone.

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