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What is your design sign?

If you’ve been constantly puzzled about how to make your style happen in your home, relax, take a deep breath, and forgive yourself. We do not come into this world with knowledge, we learn as we go!

At first glance, interior design seems to be based on the latest trends, beautiful fabrics, furniture or rugs, and the most popular label.

First of all, let me tell you what I’m not going to talk about! I am not going to talk here about current trends, what is in fashion, what is out. I’m not going to show you the houses of movie stars or business moguls. I’m not going to show you rooms and rooms with expensive furniture that you could or could not afford.

Therefore, you will not find the answer on any television show, magazine or website.

The answer is in you!

After serving over a thousand clients in 25 years, the secret to creating your dream home is: dream! So the first step is to know what you want.

Goal setting experts and authors, from Napoleon Hill to Anthony Robbins to Lynne Grabhorn, talk about a FEELING. Yes, written goals are essential, but where does writing come from? Book? Someone else’s goals? Not! They come from YOU! Have you ever really explored what is important to YOU?

From trash to treasure

Here is an exercise for you to do. It will help you choose the accessories for your home, but it will also help you find your individual style, your “Design Sign”.

Go up to your attic, rummage through your closets, look under your beds, and take out the things you packed. Take them out and place them on the ground. What elements make you feel good, bring you joy that you have forgotten?

Look at the decorating magazines you have lying around (or any other magazine, for that matter). What images move your heart, make you smile and move you? Start cropping pictures and pasting them, just a few if you’re short on time.

As the day progresses, look for things that make you feel good. I’m not talking about expensive things or items of status; I mean simple and subtle images and memories that bring you peace, joy, and comfort. Only you know what they are.
These are the things that bring Beauty into your life, not the last trip to the mall.

Echoes of childhood past

Think about the places you lived as a child. If you have fond memories, remember them. What gives you a sense of security, excitement, wonder?

Growing up, I loved riding horses on our family’s farm. I liked everything: the green fields, the sound of the wind in the trees and yes, even the smell of manure!

So it is not surprising that he lives in a bungalow in the middle of the horse field. No, it’s not a “McMansion” in a trendy zip code. I moved there because of the feeling of freedom I had as a child.

Believe it or not, your conscious intention to find these things will influence your attention to become aware of them.
If this sounds strange, believe me when I tell you that I have seen stranger things. I have my clients do exactly these things, and I’ve seen them come to life when they rediscover parts of themselves that they had forgotten.

For me, this is the goal of interior design: to create a warm, expressive and personal home. The first step on the road to self-discovery, before buying or reading something, is to spend a little time with yourself and with your loved ones.

Good luck and happy decorating!

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