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What is the Osteopathic Sports Energy Technique (SET)?

Founded by world-renowned osteopath, Dr. Shahin Pourgol, Osteopathic Sports Energy Technique is a form of advanced osteopathic technique designed to improve sports performance by increasing speed. This is accomplished by working on fast-twitch type IIb skeletal muscle fibers.

Athletes can achieve a dramatic increase in speed often after the first session. They can run, kick, jump, or punch faster after doing the first set of SET techniques.

Muscle tissue consists of fibers (cells) that are highly specialized for the active generation of force for contraction. Due to this characteristic, muscle tissue provides movement, maintenance of posture, and heat production. Based on certain structural and functional characteristics, muscle tissue is classified into three types: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Based on various structural and functional characteristics, skeletal muscle fibers are classified into three types: type I fibers, type II fibers, and type IIa fibers.

Type IIb fibers, also called fast-twitch or fast glycolytic fibers; they contain a low content of myoglobin, relatively few mitochondria, relatively few blood capillaries, and large amounts of glycogen. Type IIb fibers are white, are designed to generate ATP by anaerobic metabolic processes, cannot continuously supply skeletal muscle fibers with sufficient ATP, are easily fatigued, split ATP at a rapid rate, and have a rapid rate of contraction. fast. Typically, people are born with an average of 50% slow-twitch and 50% fast-twitch fibers. Sprinters with adequate training change this ratio to 80% fast-twitch fibers in the leg muscles, while marathon runners change the ratio with advanced training to 80% slow-twitch fibers in the muscles. of the lower extremities.

Because fast-twitch fibers use anaerobic metabolism to create fuel, they are much better at generating short bursts of force and speed than slow muscles. However, they tire more quickly. Fast-twitch fibers generally produce the same amount of force per contraction as slow muscles, but they get their name because they can be activated more quickly. Having more fast twitch fibers can be an advantage for athletes as they need to generate a lot of force quickly.

Almost all osteopathic techniques have been founded by American osteopaths. This is the first time in the history of osteopathy that a Canadian osteopath has succeeded in developing an osteopathic technique.

Osteopathy is now the fastest growing health care profession in the world and in Canada it is the 13th most in-demand occupation, as reported by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce). Osteopathy is effective for people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. It offers an approach with soft non-invasive techniques. An osteopathic evaluation is so refined that the manual osteopath can detect dysfunction without necessarily having the benefit of a specific complaint, often difficult to obtain from young children.

Osteopathy is equally beneficial for athletes (whether professional or amateur), people with problems stemming from a sedentary job or lifestyle, people exposed to occupational hazards, and people suffering from a wide range of traumas.

Osteopathy can be a complement to medical care for women throughout their pregnancy and for mothers immediately after delivery. In fact, osteopathy can be very effective in helping the mother’s body restore and resume function in the postpartum period.

Osteopathy helps patients “manage” their own health to restore and maintain “good health” wherever possible. The philosophy of osteopathy promotes ‘health’ versus ‘sickness’, teaches people to learn to appreciate quality of life and encourages opportunities to live it to the fullest.

Osteopathy personalizes treatments for each individual based on age, physical characteristics, and specific reactions to treatments.

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