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What are the reasons behind AI revenue growth?

Revolution in AI techniques:

In recent years, the Artificial Intelligence revolution has provided the quality answer for the different ranges of technologies. I am going to explain the main reasons for the growth of their income. Features of voice recognition, face detection, fingerprint recognition and much more work quite accurately due to deep learning techniques. The Deep Learning technique is based on Artificial Neural Networks. The achievements in this field can be judged by its various products, such as a novel technique for image recognition, object detection, and the prediction system for the stock market. Advances in image recognition have expanded the limitations of medical treatment. In addition, it is helping to read X-rays and predict disease through enhanced services. Also, it is inspired by the natural intelligence of humans, but now the AI ​​revolution has changed everything. It could lead to dismissal as you are outperforming humans in many fields. The graph above shows the upcoming revenue for the next few years. This will lead to a highly profitable profit for the industry.

The following implementations are somehow causing the growth spurt of AI companies:

1) Implementation of machine learning: Object detection means analyzing the content of photos, such as individual objects, faces, logos, and text in them, using a computer-aided cognition model. With the help of object detection, the risk of any incident by detecting the presence of another object can be minimized. Using the latest technologies, it can be performed in the live working environment. Within a single image, there are many objects within it, a good model can easily identify each object by extracting key visual features from an image. The different application areas of object detection are facial biometrics, motion detector, object recognition and text recognition.

Any image recognition algorithm would take an image or its patch as input, an output will be the object in the image. In other words, the output will be a class tag. How does an image recognition algorithm know the content of an image? Well, you have to train the algorithm to learn the differences between the different classes. If you want to find cats in images, you have to train an image recognition algorithm on thousands of cat images and thousands of background images that do not contain cats. It goes without saying that this algorithm can only understand objects/classes that it has learned.

2) Changed Technology: Today we have changed our data storage and communication technology from analog to digital, making the change a convenient approach. Today, robotics has made many advantages in robot design. They are able to take the physical interaction of the human being as useful information. They can react to any physical interaction to perform the output task. This technology has brought about the change in robotics that has become an advantageous component in the era of Artificial Intelligence.

3) Meet consumer expectations: From time to time, customer needs and expectations grow. While industries are there to handle digital data, this data is in vast quantity and sometimes poor technologies can fail to handle and meet goals with this data. Here an AI comes into play. Complex big data can be easily managed and handled with the help of artificial intelligence. After handling a large amount of data, it produces a better customer experience. It has made the expectations of customers come true, which creates a great demand in the industries. Facebook, Pinterest, Netflix and Google are some of the effective and real-time examples to prove the above fact.

4) Decision making: By applying machine learning algorithms, the power of machines has increased. These algorithms made it possible for machines to make decisions for themselves. AI has changed the decision-making scenario for companies. Deep Learning has been widely used for decision making when the data set is huge. As a demonstration, Amazon has partnered with Microsoft to improve projects based on Deep Learning. This reflects how effective deep learning is in decision making and handling high computational tasks. In the current TensorFlow scenario, Keras has become an integral part of it from a business point of view. Fast and powerful processing using algorithm based tasks is applied in business for better customer satisfaction.

With all these benefits and advantages of this technology, it has proven to be a trending way to overcome traditional data management and analysis problems. Thus, the growth of AI is leading the way. From the study, it can be stated that the market value of AI is growing due to advanced technology such as prediction system, recommendation system, etc. Through 2021, revenue will reach approximately $10 billion, bringing rapid growth for the industry. AI could boost average rates of return by 38% and lead to an economic increase of US$14 TN by 2035 with its innovative ideas. Google is exploring all aspects of machine learning with classic algorithms. It has passed different research challenges and technical tasks, which also leads to its higher demand and revenue.

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