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Virtual Kids Yoga Certification – Sparking Imagination

Virtual Kids Yoga Certification

Yoga is an ancient practice that has a lot to offer to modern kids. Yoga is a great way to help kids cope with stress and anxiety, and it’s also beneficial for kids who struggle with sleep disorders or have trouble concentrating in school. If you’re a yoga instructor and would like to teach kids, this kids yoga training course will prepare you to effectively engage, communicate, and connect with your students. You’ll learn how to incorporate yoga mindfulness into your classes, as well as how to compassionately engage and handle kids who have behavioral issues. You’ll also learn how to first deepen your own yoga practice so that you can better relate to and inspire children.

During this virtual kids yoga training, you will explore the various aspects of child development and how yoga can benefit kids at any age. You’ll learn about the effects of our modern culture on children’s mental, physical and emotional health, as well as how to create a class that will help kids thrive and manage their daily stresses. You’ll also gain an understanding of child language + communication development, cognition and executive functioning, as well as how to balance the over stimulation that children experience in today’s world with the restorative effects of yoga.

Then you’ll dive into the practicalities of teaching childrens ytt online, including planning a class, preparing props and modifying poses for different ages and abilities. You’ll also learn how to structure a class with an overarching theme, as well as how to create an engaging and exciting class that will hold the attention of kids and keep them wanting more. You’ll learn how to play yoga games with kids, and you’ll get to practice your storytelling skills so that you can develop a repertoire of captivating stories to use in your classes.

Virtual Kids Yoga Certification – Sparking Imagination

You’ll also explore all the basic kids yoga poses, learning the alignment and effective teaching cues that make them fun for kids to learn. You’ll also gain an understanding of how to creatively sequence your kids yoga classes and create a template that you can use over and over again.

Finally, you’ll learn how to teach kids yoga from a trauma informed lens, so that you can be an effective teacher to children who have been through a lot in life. The Virtual Kids Yoga Certification: Sparking Imagination is an immersive, transformational and highly interactive online training course that will help you become a qualified and confident kids yoga teacher.

This course is designed to be a foundational part of the Yoga Education Institute’s 95-Hour Advanced Kids Yoga Teacher Training, but can also be taken as its own standalone course for Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teachers. To get more information, visit the Yoga Education Institute website or contact them directly to speak with an instructor. They’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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