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Understand email autoresponder and follow-up messages

Did you know that you can make sales on autopilot simply by using your autoresponder and follow-up messages that you provide to your subscribers? But before I continue, let me explain what exactly autoresponders are, for those of you who aren’t in the know.

An autoresponder is a software script that automates your email messages and responses. It’s something you’d use to send your follow-up messages to a new subscriber who’s on your email list. Not to confuse you, but those messages are also often called autoresponders. Autoresponder gives you the ability to create and manage your autoresponders (your messages) if that makes sense.

You can think of email autoresponders as the silent workhorses in your email marketing. Basically, they are any type of automated email or even a series of emails (your follow-up messages) that you write once, schedule, and send automatically from your Autoresponder (the software script).

I hope I haven’t been too confusing. Let’s move on to how marketers use autoresponders to optimize their email campaigns and reduce the amount of work they have to do. For example, instead of sending an email to each person who signs up for your newsletter or email list, an autoresponder can easily send a welcome email with personalized follow-up messages.

At the heart of email marketing are autoresponders. You use it to promote your business. It’s also used to build relationships with your potential customers, keep current customers informed and up-to-date, offer coupons to build customer loyalty, and much more!

The problem is that most website visitors won’t buy anything from you on their first visit. Typically, a visitor takes an average of 6 or more times before they decide to make a purchase from you. Keeping them interested and eventually making the sale is where your follow-up messages come into play.

When you start writing your message, you’ll need to think of some compelling subject lines or headlines. Your subject lines are what grab your subscribers’ attention, making them excited to read the rest of your message. If you send a message with a boring or irrelevant title or subject line, your subscribers probably won’t even open your email let alone pay much attention to it.

A great way to grab your subscriber’s attention is through personalization, like using their names. Most autoresponder software scripts or platforms will give you this ability to personalize your messages by inserting codes. When you send a message, the code is replaced with your subscriber’s personal information. Upon receiving the email, the reader will see your personal information instead of the code. This is a great way to use personal information to further engage your subscribers.

The first message you send to your subscriber should be your welcome or introduction email. The welcome email is the most important as it will lay the groundwork for the reader to know what to expect from you and your next messages. The welcome email is a great way to start promoting yourself or the company by giving them a little background on what you do and how you can help them.

The second email in your follow-up series should tell your subscribers about your products and services. Be sure to explain what your products or services do and how they can benefit from them. People are more likely to be convinced of the benefits over the features of a product or service. Then you can make them an irresistible offer by giving them a limited time discount if they buy now.

In the third message below, try to put some extra emphasis on your services and products. Tell your subscribers how they simply must have your product or service because you are a cut above the rest, then show them by offering them a sample or trial offer or better yet, buy 1 get 1 free offer. To make sure you get a sale, you need to include comparisons between what you offer and what competitors offer. In this way, you will prove to potential customers that you really are the best, with the best features and the best prices.

Once you have a few satisfied customers, you’ll start to build your credibility. You can also ask your subscribers for feedback in your follow-up messages about how you can improve their experience or how you can help them personally. Once a customer has raved about your products or services, you can add it to a testimonial and send it in another future follow-up message.

A great way to keep your subscribers looking forward to your next email is to end your message with a sneak peek for the next message. For example, “Don’t forget to keep an eye out for my next email where I’ll send you something special.” This could be a flash sale, a coupon, or just a free download.

Leverage your autoresponder and follow-up messages as your own personal sales team and soon you’ll be selling on autopilot. Practice interweaving your company website and contact information as well, so your subscribers can easily place an order without any hassle or whenever they want. If you put some time and thought into your follow-up messages, you’ll soon convert your subscribers into your customers.

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