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Top DevOps Trends for 2017 and Beyond

The growing reliance of the software delivery market on DevOps practices demonstrates that DevOps will continue to emerge as a standard practice for software development. By enabling the culture and practices that see teams responsible for software engineering and operations work closely together as a unit, DevOps is helping businesses—both enterprises and startups—get up to speed. cutting edge of software innovation. In fact, investing in DevOps is now, more than ever, a necessity for forward-thinking companies looking to not only shorten software development and delivery time, but also successfully minimize the number of bugs and failures.

With that said, here are some of the biggest DevOps trends that organizations will continue to chase in the coming years.

uninterrupted delivery

There is no such thing as a “final product” in the software development business. Both customers and end users are constantly looking for new functionality and features. Additionally, as the deployment environment continues to change, developers are faced with new challenges in terms of software configuration management, bug fixes, and error resolution in production code.

Continuous delivery and DevOps therefore need to complement each other to give users the best results with minimal overhead. Jenkins is one of the most powerful tools software developers use to centralize engineering and operations. This tool offers developers the opportunity to make changes to the source code, which is located in a shared repository, based on the needs of the users. The goal of continuous delivery with Jenkins is easier to achieve compared to other tools like BuildBot and Travis.

constant monitoring

Continuous monitoring is another powerful trend that all software development companies must adhere to in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the performance and availability of any application. The use of the Nagios tool would emerge more strongly in the future to meet the objective of constant monitoring. Thanks to the reports produced by the tool, developers will be able to quickly locate the source of an error and fix it; thus, it leads to reduction of development cost.


DevOps orchestration is the need of the hour as it leads to the consolidation of various tools, both open source (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm) and paid (AWS ECS, Google Containers, Microsoft Containers). Through DevOps orchestration, software engineers achieve the goal of value-added management of resources and seamless exchange between teams. Tool orchestration helps companies reduce the cost of software development by controlling resource consumption when launching applications packaged in multiple containers.

The 2016 DevOps Trends Report reveals that challenging environments, usability, lower production costs, and offering more value to customers are the key drivers likely to increase enterprise-level DevOps adoption to more than 80%, while it is estimated that the increase will be 70% in the case of small and medium-sized companies.

Staying on top of these trends will help companies be prepared for changes, some of which they have never before imagined.

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