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Tips for Potty Training Twins

Having twins obviously means that there will be two babies in one family. This also means that your work will be doubled. Feeding and caring for twins requires a lot of preparation, along with a positive mindset and outlook to take good care of your child. In the area of ​​potty training, as a “one-child family,” your twins must also be trained on a day-to-day basis. To help this thrive and help boost their development, follow these tips for potty-training twins:

1) Buy two Potties. You should have two potties, where everyone has their own potty. Bowel movement and “bath time” for your twins are unpredictable, so make sure they each have a potty. Any time two of them want to go potty at the same time, place them on their own potty and sit down. The two potties should be placed close to each other to keep an eye on your twins at the same time. If the potties are not close to each other, you will have a hard time controlling them. You have to go to another room or place where the other potty might be located. This will be shooting. So, if possible, buy two potties and place them close to each other.

2) Enter the potty. One of the ways to potty train twins is by introducing them to the potty. It can be in the form of an actual introduction. You can let them see the potty and demonstrate or show how it should be used. For your twin girls, it should be properly shown that sitting on the potty is appropriate for urination and bowel movements. For your twins, it will be easier to have a male model demonstrate how to use the potty. Make them understand that it is a two-way process. However, you can also let him watch a video or read a book on potty training and potty training. This will make it easier for them to imitate what they see. Especially for visual learners, they will be able to absorb in their head what they have seen and then perform what needs to be done to achieve potty training.

3) For parents: read and research. Read and research more on tips for potty training twins. This will let you know what else you need to learn and what is missing from your training. This will also give you an idea of ​​ways to make potty training your twins more interesting and fun to prevent them and you from becoming exhausted. Also, ask for tips or details from other parents who have mastered potty training their children. Take notes because this will make your job easier.

4) Double cleaning. Since you have twins, you need a double cleaning to disinfect your home. Clean the house and the urinals daily. This will keep bacteria away and make potty training safer.

Good luck parents and enjoy!

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