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The challenges of Roustabout jobs

It seems like a lot of people are interested in rusty jobs these days. There are two main reasons why this seems to be the case. The first is the potential money one can earn as an unskilled worker. And the second is the lure of half-time work for almost twice the salary.

I want to challenge you to think about what this kind of career choice entails. Compared to other jobs, there has to be a reason why companies are willing to pay you higher wages as well as offer you more time off. Listed below are four challenges to consider before taking this step in your career.

Four Roustabout Job Challenges

  1. Time out – Most people talk about free time as an incentive to consider a pawn job. It is true that there is an unusual amount of free time in these positions. However, it is also true that he will be absent for two to four weeks at a time. People don’t tell you that sometimes you have to live in a motel near the helicopter port. This will count as time off, but you will need to be available to fly back to work at any time. So if you’re a family person, this is something you’ll want to consider before you jump into this career.
  2. physically challenging – Pawn jobs are for people in good physical condition. These positions do not require superhuman strength. However, they are physically demanding. You can expect to do a lot of lifting and carrying. If the deck needs to be painted or cleaned, you will be the person in charge of these responsibilities. If ships need to be unloaded, this will be part of their duties. These positions require stamina and endurance. And after a twelve-hour shift, he won’t be interested in much beyond sleeping.
  3. High risk – An oil rig can be a highly dangerous environment. Great attention is paid to the safety of all workers. However, one wrong move and the whole place can go up in flames. This is not meant to scare you. But this is a job with a real element of danger. If you have been in dangerous situations, you may be able to cope better than others. This is not an environment for hot heads. It’s a place to stay cool and focused on the day’s tasks.
  4. Teamwork – An oil rig requires a group of people to work closely together. You will work and live with people for two or more weeks at a time. The days are long and the nights are short. This simply means that people can easily get on each other’s nerves. To complete daily tasks, you will need to rely on other team members. So being able to make friends is a real plus in this work environment.

Pawn jobs offer great opportunities for those with the right mindset. If you’re only thinking about money and vacation time, you need to do a serious reevaluation. This may still be the right job for you. But don’t let people sell you with bells and whistles. Remember, there is a high turnover rate in this profession. It might be worth asking why.

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