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Summary of a sudden career change

It may feel like the “end of the world,” especially after you’ve
given EVERYTHING to his employer. Today you have been fired
and it feels like a Mack truck just ran over your body without
thought or care.

Did they have a security guard “watching” you clean your desk and
turn off your computer? After a few years or more, it’s one of those
Demeaning experiences with GREAT employers… some even provide
escort service to your car. Regardless of the years, it is not a good,
warm fuzzy feeling for any of us.

With that behind us…let’s start thinking about “reality” and how
it can be your BEST day. I know, you are looking at a DARK cloud floating
overload, but it will go away soon, I promise. I’ve been there and I know
exactly how it feels to you. Even Las Vegas makes some of us see the
“black cloud” before we can get out of town.

Since I don’t know your talents, abilities, history, ethics, etc… I’m a bit
in the dark too… but for the sake of argument, we’ll assume you’re very
good person with a lot to offer any “smart” employer. With that in mind,
Can you believe that good will come from this cloudy day.

Let me share a story with you, because when you’ve been there, you’ve seen
the dark cloud, is a sentiment long remembered to help anyone who is willing to
listen and learn…. it’s happened to more people than YOU and me.

Yes, your emotions are responding; you may even be embarrassed to be
outside looking in… that too shall pass. Perhaps a little financial stress has
rears its ugly head in this mess. There is anger; frustration; depression
it is also known to come to the surface; however, it is NOT the end yet.

There’s an old saying, at least it’s one of mine that I like… “now you’re
in SALES, so put on your RED COAT and move in today!” Let the
the world knows that you have the “goods” and that someone better is coming soon
and discover the value of “this” incredible power pack.

For the record, almost everyone changes their career path multiple times.
in the course of a career. It’s just part of LIFE, we just prefer
we will decide for ourselves when it should happen, not our employer. call
“Reduction of size”; “Correct size”; names don’t matter, you’ve been fired
and our goal is to make that a good thing on your behalf.

Let’s make your former employer notice. They go
Realize your loss sooner than expected. For you, it’s dust of the earth
and never look back. One day you will send them a “thank you” note for
doing you the favor of making a career change.

You will find a lot of information on the internet, but one major problem is
Sort to find helpful resources. You don’t have time to just sit
and read, focus is the key. A new millionaire idea arises on the net
everyday, you just don’t have time to try them all.

Final Thought: Learn from those who can help you. don’t get stuck
down on passing the time with trivialities or useless things. look for the
who are known for successfully providing sound advice from their experience
in the field of staffing and professional placement.

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