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Severe Causes of Rib Pain: What is Osteochondritis Dissecans?

Not all rib cage pain is caused by cracked or broken ribs. Some are caused by a disorder called osteochondritis dissecans. This is not just a rib affliction, but it can certainly cause severe rib pain. It is not commonly found in the smaller joints, such as the fingers and toes. It is commonly found in those who are very active, such as athletes.

What causes osteochondritis dissecans?

This is a condition that affects those who are quite active, which means that it does not contract from long-term deterioration of the joints or bones. Osteochondritis dissecans is caused by force or injury to the end of the bone. When the rib succeeds a rib, it occurs where the rib joins the spine or breastbone. Generally speaking, it does not usually occur due to a single incident: it is more likely to occur after repeated blows to the same area.

Osteochondritis dissecans can be caused by repetitive movements and overuse; in other words, performing the same task or doing the same movement over and over again. Think of an NFL quarterback who constantly throws passes. This is the type of action that can cause this affliction. Also, imagine the same quarterback receiving tackles over the period of a season in the same area of ​​the rib cage. This is a perfect combination of action to trigger osteochondritis dissecans.

Symptoms of osteochondritis dissecans

One of the best indicators of osteochondritis dissecans is tenderness in the rib area. This is going to be at the end of the bone.

When you perform a physical activity that causes you some pain or discomfort, it can be another indication of this disorder. Even pain when breathing can be a symptom. You may notice that the site of the pain swells and becomes tender to the touch.

Treatment of osteochondritis dissecans

The most important thing to remember is that if you have any of the signs or symptoms or participate in any of the activities that can make you prone to osteochondritis dissecans, you should seek medical evaluation immediately. When left untreated, the long-term effects can be debilitating. Prompt treatment can mean a decrease in symptoms and a return to normalcy of the joints. This can also help lessen the severe pain associated with this condition.

The best medicine for this injury is to simply rest your body and avoid sports or anything else that can aggravate it. It’s also a good idea to stay as still as possible. This can be difficult when it affects the ribs, as almost any movement or motion you make will aggravate them. Sleeping and rolling over can wake you up from a deep sleep. Normal breathing can be painful, but strenuous activities can make it even more painful.

When the pain is too severe, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers. Some doctors may want to do surgery to repair as much of the affected area as possible in extreme cases. The important thing is to get medical attention as soon as the pain starts to get a proper diagnosis.

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