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Search engine results and keyword research

Alright, so it’s been a while. How are you, excellent? Let’s go.

Have you ever been thinking about strategies to do long tail keywords and keyword research efficiently? I also. I personally think that you develop your personal technique that works, and yet find that your keywords are good, as long as they actually work. Here are 3 free tools I use to search for long and short tail keywords.


This website is amazing. The website has some of the most necessary tools for you, the blogger, internet marketer, SEO, etc. It ranges from tools like a spider view checker, a keyword suggestion tool, an alexa rank checker, and all other types of things. Alright, before I go any further, I have to confess that all the tools I listed don’t seem to work after telling you about them. Please check them, as you may need to find a different program or website for these other items. Well, the tool I use is the Bulk PA DA tester.

This is a search engine results page service and is powered by Mozscape by Moz, which provides: domain authority, page authority, and backlinks. First, Mozscape is not cheap. For someone like me, who works 9-5 and doesn’t get paid on the side, Mozscape’s $250-mth price makes me die inside. Using this will help you understand the type of competition you’re up against within the SERP and see if the keywords are really the ones you want to search for, or skip ahead and try the next keywords. Be sure to focus on the authority of the page, however it is not used for Google rankings, this will give you an idea of ​​how good the pages are in the SERP.

2) Google Suggestion

Listen, you’ve probably read it a million times by now through someone else’s blog post, type your keywords into the search bar, and watch the related queries that pop up. These are queries that others are searching for that Google thinks are related to the query you’re currently typing, check them out.

Do you know where this is headed? Yes, the bottom of that Google SERP. LOOK AT IT too, more suggestions means more suggestions. More combinations mean better numbers, better numbers can provide a chance for better rankings. It’s always a numbers game, and you want a lot of numbers, trust me. Make sure you have this: keyword barrel. This gives you rough statistics on search volume and relative competition, which will help you quickly analyze whether the word(s) are worth searching for.


What exactly is LSIgraph? Basically another keyword generator tool with a fancy name. Basically, you can say that it is the same as Google suggests, but with different software. I did some quick searches and it seems to give some good information. This tool is good at giving you different keywords to target and think deeper.

I know that there are many more absolutely free tools that I have forgotten or have not talked about. At the bottom you will find several of my reputable mention web pages, which are free, but you will eventually have to buy them.


Questions? If you thought this was helpful or NOT helpful, be great and leave a comment. Feedback is critical.

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