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Recipes for face masks and other skin care: what natural ingredients should I include?

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably made the decision to turn your back on the seemingly endless and harmful chemicals in the beauty products that the cosmetic industry sells us at high prices and decided to make your own face mask recipes.

This is a fantastic way to ensure you’re using what nature has provided for you as the healthiest (and cheapest) skincare available. It doesn’t even take much effort to make your own homemade beauty recipes, because most recipes just require you to mix or mix a few ingredients that you already have in your refrigerator or kitchen cupboards.

The next step is to decide which ingredients to use to best meet your needs from the myriad of options.

There are 3 factors that you must take into account. what is your type of skin? It’s dry, oily, sensitive, normal, or a combination. Where are you? If it’s hot and humid where you are, less oily recipes may be right for you. You also need to follow and use your prescriptions correctly. Once you’ve mastered the art of making your own face mask recipes, you can experiment to your heart’s content. However, in the beginning, stick to a few tried and tested recipes so that you start to understand the ingredients.

Dry Skin

For cleansing, use recipes with oatmeal. It will gently cleanse without drying the skin. Try oatmeal mixed with milk and gently massage your skin in upward motions. Then rinse with warm water.

Banana is not only full of antioxidants, but it is also a great gentle moisturizer. Try blending 1 egg yolk; 2 teaspoons of almond oil and 1 ripe banana to make your first homemade face mask. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pat dry with a clean towel.

The honey in your homemade masks will help lock in moisture, while benefiting from its antioxidant, antiseptic, and antibiotic qualities. Avocado is another great moisturizer when applied in a face mask recipe.

Oily skin

Try this recipe, specially designed for people with oily skin. 1/3 cup cocoa; 3 tablespoons of heavy cream; 1/3 cup papaya, ripe; ¼ cup of honey, raw if possible and 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel. Another great recipe for oily skin is 1/2 cucumber; 1 egg white; 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of mint.

Blend the ingredients and chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Apply and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with hot water and then splash with cold water.

Sensitive skin

Honey is a great healer with its antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Mix with yogurt for a soothing and healing mask. Try mixing 1 part organic cider vinegar with 3 parts water to make a great toner for sensitive skin. Dilute if that’s too strong. Helps prevent acne problems. Add aloe vera to honey to heal another one of the face mask recipes. Cold-pressed avocado oil is a good moisturizer for sensitive skin. Obviously, if you have sensitive skin, it’s good to do a patch test first to check that your homemade recipe isn’t exacerbating your problems.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of home remedies for different skin types. Once you realize how easy it is and how much money you can save while protecting your health, I think you’ll turn to trying your own face mask recipes.

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