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Puggle Puppies – How To Prevent Them From Digging

Puggle puppies are so cute, and getting a new pup is very exciting, but digging can be a threat! Unfortunately, digging comes along with puggle territory, especially when they are in the puppy stage. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent this destructive behavior.

One of the most important keys is keeping your puggle entertained. They tend to dig when they are bored or have been held back too long. Dogs also have a natural urge to want to bury things, as it is part of their survival instincts.

Even though many puggle puppies have a digging problem, there is no “one size fits all” approach to eliminating the behavior. You may need to do some trial and error before you find the solution that works best for your pet.

Your first step should probably be to make sure your puggle puppy is getting enough exercise. This can be difficult if you are trying to crate training because there will be a certain amount of time that your dog will be locked up. Just make sure your little one can go out and play frequently while you monitor to see if he digs.

Another solution is to play indoors. If you have some space, you can play some indoor games with your pup to keep him stimulated. Taking long walks is another piece of the puzzle to get rid of that pent-up energy that can lead to digging.

Many puggle owners are confused about how much play time their dog needs. After all, not all of us can put in hours and hours to puppy play every day. As a general rule of thumb, your puggle will need a couple of hours of exercise each day in his puppy years. Mix this up throughout the day and it will be easy and fun for everyone.

This solution won’t always remove all digging behavior, so if it doesn’t improve, you’ll need to add other methods. It is important to make sure you praise their good behavior so they know what is acceptable. Your dog wants your approval and will work hard to get it.

Puggle owners have even come up with creative ways to eliminate digging for those more complicated cases. Some suggest spraying the puppy with water when he is digging. Others suggest filling in the holes with something undesirable like cayenne pepper. Others have been very successful in allowing their dog to dig in only one area of ​​the yard. All other areas are prohibited. This seems to satisfy the natural tendency, but at the same time maintains a certain order.

Preventing your puggle puppy from digging is very important if you want to make sure your dog remains obedient and your yard remains intact. Always make sure your puggle is getting plenty of exercise, but you may need to experiment with other methods as well.

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