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Propagate Spider Plants To Sell – Easy Money

Do you have a conservatory, a garage with windows, or any open space with natural light to protect against winter weather? If you do, that space can be used to make money. The business is growing plants from cuttings, you can reap the benefits a few months later and over 90% of this will be profit.

If you’re just starting out, I’d suggest trying this on a small scale and building from there. A good number to start with is 20 to 50 cuttings. You need to decide which plant you are going to propagate. My advice to beginners would be to take the most common and easiest plant to grow initially and experiment after you have successfully grown and sold your first batch.

The best plant for beginners is the spider plant, many houses have them and they are the easiest to grow as they automatically produce ‘little’ spider plants for you to pick and pot. You cannot stop propagating these plants successfully. Plus, it’s one of the best-selling houseplants, so don’t worry about subsequent sales.

All you need are a few plastic pots, some potting compost, a tray to set the pots on, and a well-ventilated, frost-free area where there is natural light, not direct sunlight.

You can get spider plant cuttings without friends and family who may have these plants that sprout easily from the cutting. Or you can buy some mature plants and wait a couple of months for the cuttings. Even hairdressers, dentists, doctor’s offices and many other stores have these plants sitting around, you can ask them if they want a free pruning service, most will be happy for you to do so.

Just place the pots in the tray and cover the pots with compost to make it firm, but not too firm. Then pour water into each pot so that it soaks up and leave it overnight. The next day, insert your finger into the center of the compost to a depth of about 3cm, place the cut in the hole made and firm the moist compost around the base of the plant. It’s as simple as that.

Now you need to let the plants establish their root system for the next few months before you start selling them. The only job you need to do now is to make sure they don’t dry out. The advice is to water just before it dries out; This of course depends on the environmental climate.

You now have spider plants ready for sale. Take a look at the cost at garden centers and cut them down, you’ll get your money back on the cost of pots and compost after selling just a couple.

Car trunk sales are the best place to sell them, perhaps wholesale to other car trunks to sell is a great way to make a quick and profitable catch with the least amount of work involved.

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