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Pilates for long and thin legs

Here’s how to achieve the long-sought-after lean-legged look. Pilates exercises for the best legs you can achieve given what nature has dealt us. Charge no more. The answer to your most attractive legs is here in these Pilates exercises. Have fun with your leg transformation and stay healthy and sexy always:

One Leg Stretch

Lie on the mat with your legs extended toward the ceiling. Legs and heels are together, turned slightly outward from the hips. Straighten your spine, contract your abs, and lift your chin and upper body off the mat. Grab your right ankle or below your knee if your hamstrings are tight as you straighten your left leg out to a 45-degree angle. The lower the leg goes, the harder the abs have to work to maintain alignment. Inhale as you gently pull your right leg towards you. Push your leg toward you twice, increasing your stretch here. Switch legs and exhale as you pull your left leg towards you. Pull this leg toward you twice, now increasing the stretch on this leg.

Lateral leg raises

Lie on your side with all parts of your body aligned so that your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and ears are in one line. Now move your legs slightly forward so that you are in a banana shape. This helps with balance and protects the lower back. Support your head on your hand, lifting your ribcage away from the mat. Keeping your abs tight, inhale to begin. As you exhale, use your abs and leg engagement to lift both legs a few inches off the mat. Keep the inside of the legs together, from the sitting bones to the heels. On the inhale, increase your length as you slowly lower your legs onto the mat using control.

side kick up down

Lie on your side and align your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. Rest your head on your hand, making sure to lift your ribcage off the mat so your back and neck remain in line. Your front hand rests firmly, palm down, on the mat in front of your chest. Use this hand to help stabilize. Keep your abdominal muscles in and up. Inhale to gently extend the top leg toward the ceiling. Don’t move your hips. On the exhale, lift the abdominals, in opposition to the lengthening of the leg, while controlling the lowering of the raised leg back to the starting position.

Kneeling Side Kick

Begin in a kneeling position. Tighten your abs and drop your tailbone toward the floor. Extend your right leg straight out to the side, with the ball of your foot on the ground. Drop your left hand to the floor, directly under your shoulder, keeping your arm straight. This will bring your torso to the side. Keep your shoulder open by dropping your shoulder blades down your back and rotating your arm so the inner crease of your elbow turns out. Place your right hand on your hip. Inhale as you shift your weight to your left leg and extend your right leg out to the side at hip height. Exhale as you swing your top leg as far forward as possible with your foot flexed. Do two pulses here. Inhale to swing the leg back as far as it will go on a pointed foot. Straighten your leg back as far as it will go before swinging it forward again.

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