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Overcome your sleep disorder with orthomolecular medicine

Treating and curing sleep disorders with ordinary amino acids is the basis of Orthomolecular Medicine. Large doses of natural proteins called amino acids can repair the imbalance in the brain and repair its malfunction. These amino acids are affordable and are used in therapeutic doses much higher than levels normally found in foods. The concept of orthomolecular medicine is based on the use of very high doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids or botanical extracts for cell repair and improvement of normal brain activities.

Are you not getting a promotion because you are tired at the office? Are you close to getting divorced from tiredness and lack of sleep? Can’t handle your kids because you’re too tired? Sleep disorders can cause many problems, and you may not be able to break the pattern on your own. Sleeping pills can help you fall asleep, but most cause you to sleep too long or wake up fatigued. Modern orthomolecular medicine can help make these problems go away for many people in several weeks. There may be sleep habits that also need to be altered and dietary changes that need to be made. Don’t eat or watch TV in the bedroom if you have trouble sleeping. Stay out of bed until you are ready to fall asleep. Buy a good mattress and cotton, silk, linen, hemp or wool sheets for the bedroom. Try to avoid caffeine and excess alcohol in the late afternoon and evening. Do not take over-the-counter sleep aids.

Orthomolecular medicine uses various supplements to improve and enhance sleep. These can be botanicals like kava, valerian, St. John’s wort, passion flower, lemon balm, and chamomile. Botanicals must be taken daily for several months. This can take three to five weeks to make a noticeable change in sleep.

Melatonin and a combination of vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium should be tried for very severe sleep problems. Melatonin does not always work and should be taken at levels of 1.5 to 3 mcg/day about thirty minutes before bed. You may want to take selenium along with melatonin to improve your immune system.

Chinese patented sleep-enhancing formulas include Amnien Pian, Bu Nao Wan, and Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan. There are at least twelve different patent formulas from China that can help you sleep. The correct formula is selected based on your needs. Most Chinese patent formulas need to be taken for at least six weeks or more to treat the underlying disorder causing the symptom of insomnia.

Amino acids needed to improve sleep include 5-HTP, theanine, and GABA. The addition of bioidentical hormones may be necessary for men in andropause or women in menopause. Never take any type of hormone without a blood test or saliva test to determine which hormones are low. Remember that the Chinese have prevented many sleep disorders and hormonal imbalances through the use of Chinese herbal and dietary therapies. Consider these options with a health care provider.

© Dr R Stone, MD-India

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