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Myths About Swimming And Yeast Infections – Suffer No More Yeast Infections

“Can I go swimming when I have a yeast infection?” This question, often asked by active women, stems from a myth about yeast infections. The myth is that when infected, a woman must be kept completely dry to “dry” the yeast. Let’s separate the myth from the reality and learn how she can take better care of herself.

Candida albicans, the organism responsible for your yeast infection, grows best in warm, dark, and moist areas. That is why it is very important to wear clean, dry and breathable clothing. Loose-fitting natural fabrics like cotton are best. Avoid skinny jeans and man-made materials like nylon and lycra. In warm weather, a sundress and clean cotton underwear are comfortable and inhibit the growth of Candida fungus.

Swimming itself does not cause the growth of Candida albicans. Getting wet for a short time is not a problem. The problem occurs when you wear your wet bathing suit or other clothing for a long period of time. After swimming, dry off and put on dry clothing made from natural fabrics. Likewise, change out of sweaty clothing after exercising.

Candida is not transmitted through water. The chemical in the pool and the salt in the ocean will kill the yeast organisms. You don’t need to worry about getting a yeast infection from swimming or giving it to someone else. In fact, the exercise you get from swimming will strengthen your body and help your immune system fight infection.

Candida grows best and will cause a yeast infection when you have a warm, moist, and dark environment. By itself, swimming will not cause an infection if you stay dry after swimming. If you still have Candida problems or have recurring infections, you need more help.

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