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Mudra to Regularize the Heartbeat


Are you prone to heart attacks or deafness? These mudras will help you cure your ailments.

One of yoga’s greatest gifts to the cause of human well-being is the science of mudras. The hands have a power of their own. In this article I start with yoga injections and Mudras (postures) which are of immense value for a healthy and purposeful day-to-day life. Mudras can cure almost any ailment, from a simple earache to a heart attack. They can heal or curse at the will of their owner, and whoever knows how to use this power can control their life and health, both mental and physical, through other important mudras.

If a person who has developed heart problems, perform Mritsanjivini Mudra. This will act like a sorbitate tablet, not temporarily, but will lead to a permanent recovery path. Through Mritsanjivini Mudra, a patient suffering from heart attack can control the attack and get instant relief. This mudra is very helpful in curing heart problem, which is an abnormally slow or unstable heart rhythm that causes symptoms like dizziness, fainting, extreme tiredness, and shortness of breath.


Bend your index finger down over the mound of your thumb.

Join the thumb with the tips of the third and fourth fingers.

The small figure remains straight.

Close your eyes and relax, keeping your whole body still.

The formed gesture is Mritsanjivini Mudra.

Healthy tips for the HEART.

Early morning is ideal for a walk in Mritsanjivini Mudra. Not only will it help your heart, but it will set you up for the day by charging up your circulation and metabolism.

Yoga and Dhyan for at least 30 minutes three or more times a week help strengthen the heart.

NadiSodhanaParanayam is the best exercise for heart patients and can be done pretty much anywhere, anywhere.

Increase fiber and reduce fat intake in your diet. Fiber is found only in plants: fruits, vegetables, and grains. Fiber helps lower blood cholesterol, and people who eat more fiber have a lower risk of heart disease.

Learn to stay calm so you don’t lose your temper and raise your blood pressure. Deep breathing is a good way to control anger and relax.

Feel free and happy, keep smiling always. Even 5 minutes of laughter keeps our stress at the lowest possible level.

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