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Mono symptoms, relapse and treatment

There are so many diseases out there. Many people are already concerned that because of their constant interactions with so many people, they are at risk for many types of communicable and infectious diseases. Many of these diseases can be acquired simply by shaking hands with another person, talking, etc. You can only do so much to stay healthy. One way to do this is to boost the immune system’s performance by taking vitamins and supplements designed to keep the system in top shape. Another way to fight disease is to keep yourself clean, especially your hands. This way you will avoid getting sick and infecting anyone.

The reason this is discussed is because of the type of disease that will be covered in detail in this article, mononucleosis. Mononucleosis is an infectious disease that is commonly contracted by adolescents and young adults. It is caused by a virus known as Epstein-Barr virus which is very vicious. It is very “fidgety” so it can easily jump from one host to another. In fact, the Epstein-Barr virus in mononucleosis can be fatal to people under the age of 15 and people over the age of 25 at the time of infection.

Mononucleosis is also what is called glandular fever and infectious mononucleosis. It can be contracted through intense kisses, through saliva when using the glass, eating utensils, towels, etc. from other persons. Sometimes the virus just sits in the throat and goes dormant for a period of time. During the relapse, it will be activated and the symptoms will now start to manifest.

To help you recognize Mono early on, here are some of the most common and rare symptoms of Mono.

Swollen muzzle, armpit, and neck tassels
Extreme feeling of tiredness
Low to high fever
Sore throat similar to tonsillitis

Other symptoms (sometimes rare for others)
enlarged tonsils
muscle bread
no appetite
Abdominal and stomach pain
And when the doctors check it out, enlarged liver and spleen.

As already mentioned, mononucleosis is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. That is why it cannot be treated by taking antibiotics. There is also another conventional way to treat Mono, but what they do is only relieve the symptoms of Mono like aches and pains, but not the actual disease.

Now there are books that discuss ways, means and natural methods to combat mononucleosis. Getting enough rest and sleep is also very essential when treating mononucleosis. Supplements, vitamins, and pure water therapy are also very helpful with this type of infection. There are also homeopathy treatments that have been shown to be very effective in treating mononucleosis.

Unfortunately, there are people who can have mononucleosis several times during their life. That is why these patients can also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Experts say that stress causes mono relapse and we all know that stress has become a part of our lives in this day and age. The last thing you can do is strengthen your immune system to do a better job of protecting your body from attack by the Epstein-Barr virus. Once you have been diagnosed with mononucleosis, you need to be very conscious and careful about your health. Regular exercise, a proper and balanced diet are your main source of protection against any infectious disease.

Ultimately, mononucleosis can be prevented by making sure you live and practice a healthy lifestyle. Remember that mono cannot be treated with conventional antibiotics because it is caused by a virus and not by bacteria. When you are already experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned above, see your doctor immediately for a proper diagnosis. If you can’t stop it from getting into your system, the best thing you can do is keep it from getting worse.

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