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Modern Warfare 2 – Just when you thought you had it all!

Most gamers I know find it quite frustrating to have some hidden items and buttons in most first person games. All they care about is having fun and shooting more and more enemy heads instead of going on a treasure hunt. With a game as enthusiastic as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it seems similar gameplay has been implemented.

Most people who have spent time playing single player have had a very short run of near-perfect first-person shooter games. Try to play it yourself at experienced or veteran levels if you know how to shoot a bullet and the maximum time to complete the game would be around 5-6 hours and no more. But those who have seen or experienced the lust of multiplayer, I’m sure they would even miss their own wedding to play such a wonderful game with their own friends. This game with its special ops, latest weapon usage, team play, awesome perks and endless maps is sometimes too good to be true.

Also, with the latest news hanging in the air, Infinity Ward seems to have started developing and releasing more maps for download and play at really affordable prices. The latest map available online appears to be part of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack. The Stimulus Pack only appears to contain 5 new maps, namely Storm, Overgrown, Salvage, Bailout, and Crash.

Surely the expected wet game of the century, Modern Warfare 2 gameplay continues the quest for adrenaline-pumping action as players prepare to meet the challenges of new threats. One of the best-selling games of all time is surely Modern Warfare 2, which gaming enthusiasts are preparing to take over.

This game only has such a high base of fans from all over the world and now this. Imagine the possibilities and years of gaming ahead when the whole world had already accepted it as the best game of the century.

Modern Warfare 2 can be the perfect gift for your lovely children on their summer vacations when they feel so low, this amazing game will help them to improve their mood and make them enjoy the game during their vacations. A short warning though: this game is addictive and your child may love you unconditionally for getting this awesome game.

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