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Meaning and Purpose at Work: Understanding Cosmic vs. Terrestrial Perspectives


In addition to the obvious motivations for work like income, connection, and opportunities to practice your skills, there are other positive returns to what you do for a living. You can benefit in a number of ways, for example designing new ways to add M&P to work, not to mention day-to-day operation. Succeeding in either, or better yet, both, will contribute to peace of mind and enthusiasm for what lies ahead, every day. He’s probably heard Robert Benchley’s famous observation that there are “two kinds of people in the world: those who divide the world into two kinds of people, and those who don’t.”

Well, to adapt the phrase to present purposes, let me suggest that there are also two types of meanings in this world: the terrestrial meaning and the cosmic meaning. They are not exclusive, but if one or the other is totally embraced, dominant and clear, the expressions of M&P that fit in the other will be very subordinate. Which is not a bad thing, by any means.

Cosmic versus terrestrial meaning

Are you familiar with these two forms of meaning? I first encountered the terms in Irving Yalom’s 1980 masterpiece, “Existential Psychotherapy.” Yalom described the meaning and consequences of adopting and pursuing one or the other of these two contrasting forms of meaning.

The cosmic meaning is an explanation of purpose that applies to all humans, a universal meaning associated with a grand scheme. This form of meaning is adopted by contemporary religions that affirm that the meaning of life is to know, love, and serve God, and to do what a deity expects of us. In return, those who successfully pursue this cosmic meaning will find peace and all that is good, nothing bad, in a future existence of indescribable happiness and joy. Unfortunately, you first have to die before nirvana arrives, but all things considered, it seems like a small price to pay for deep, enthusiastic, eternal joy.

The cosmic meaning says, be patient and follow the rules (as described by the leaders of whatever religion you were taught as a child or, in unusual cases, consciously choose to adopt as an intelligent adult) and enjoy everlasting bliss, beginning when you die. .

For billions of people on earth, now and in the past, this cosmic form of meaning is/was represented as the apex, the apogee, the pinnacle, the zenith, the pinnacle and the climax of what it is all about and why what we are here: the proverbial Mother of all the senses of life.

People do not generally talk about cosmic meaning, except among those who share their ideas about the cosmic meaning of life, and usually only in communities or places dedicated to such discussions, and shared rituals, practices, celebrations and values. Elsewhere, like workplaces and similar secular organizational settings, cosmic meaning is treated like sex and politics: it’s not considered part of polite conversation. It is avoided. This is a pity, really, as the cosmic meaning, for those who embrace it, is very important. In a democratic society, which values ​​freedom of expression, tolerance of diversity, and the search for understanding and openness to new ideas, this is unfortunate. We can all learn a lot if we respectfully listen to each other and share our impressions on important issues, such as this fundamental existential issue.

Yalom wrote that the cosmic meaning relates to whether life in general fits into some coherent general pattern. In fact, great design offers comfort and some solace about our inevitable demise. A cosmic perspective offers a higher and ultimate purpose for being in this world, a hope that this life is not all there is. If desire or even belief made it so, who wouldn’t embrace cosmic meaning as the basis of all forms of M&P?

terrestrial meaning

The terrestrial meaning comes without a universal answer that applies to all human beings, everywhere, now, in the past, and in the future. It does not address THE meaning of life, but rather asks, what is the meaning of MY life?

This form of meaning is more manageable; transfers the responsibility of M&P to the individual. Offer choice. It comes with freedom, opportunity, and a lifelong challenge to create, refine, and celebrate whatever is chosen for life’s multiple meanings and purposes. Possibilities include the wonders of nature, the awe-inspiring grandeur of the cosmos, the beauty of flowers and gardens, the emotions of art, music, and love. The list of fulfillments goes on almost forever.

M&P relies on you with an earthbound perspective on meaning. An earthly perspective can be a motivational foundation for a REAL wellness mindset and lifestyle. It invites the embrace and pursuit of reason and science, exuberantly, while inviting athleticism to nourish the vessel of life with conscious diet and exercise. And, not last and certainly not least, it ennobles the precious gift of freedom: the freedom to live your life the way you want in consideration and service to others, as well as in the pursuit of your own happiness.

Some believe that the contrast between cosmic and terrestrial forms of meaning is that of the external world versus the internal world. Do we believe that meaning is something that is forced upon us and given to us without options or choices, or that we are free to create it ourselves? It is their choice in a free society, although even in this country and other democratic states, large numbers of people do not experience fair opportunities to recognize and act on this reality.

Until a significant number of people are independent adults, cosmic versus terrestrial options are not offered; they are passed down, for better or worse, through families and cultures. By the time many, if not most, people reach adulthood, the mental doors are often closed to new perspectives on M&P.

Discussion Questions

  • Are you more inclined to the cosmic or terrestrial versions of the meaning?
  • Have you consciously chosen most of the way you find M&P within the organization, or have these issues evolved over time, at work?
  • Are you comfortable discussing M&P with colleagues?

What are some of the above statements that interested you the most, that surprised, revealed, annoyed or really caught your attention, in a good or not so good way?

Reflecting on these issues and listening to what others have to say can, and almost certainly will, add to the value derived from exploring the source of your ideas about meaning and, quite possibly, generating ideas about new possibilities.

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