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Manuka Honey UMF – The Benefits of Manuka Honey

Not all honey is created equal. In my opinion, New Zealand Manuka Honey with UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) is a champion and stands out above the rest. This pure raw honey tastes delicious as well as being effective at destroying bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes. It is also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and has been reported to improve the immune system.

Due to the unique Manuka factor (UMF), this honey has an enhanced antibacterial action compared to regular honey. Studies by Peter Molan at the University of Waikato in New Zealand have found that honey heals due to its natural antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide. When Dr. Molan removed the natural hydrogen peroxide from honey, he discovered that some manuka honey still had significant antibacterial activity without peroxide. This antibacterial activity without peroxide is known as UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). UMF Manuka Honey has been shown to work as well as, and in some cases, better than prescription antibiotics and antifungals without any side effects associated with those drugs (unless, of course, you’re allergic to honey).

Dr. Molan’s scientific studies have shown that UMF Manuka Honey is effective in treating a number of illnesses including antibiotic-resistant MRSA (staphylococcus aureus), strep throat and sore throat, cold and flu symptoms, digestive disorders including acid reflux and heartburn, h.pylori (the bacteria associated with stomach ulcers), gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and esophageal ulcers.

In my own experience, I was able to eradicate h. pylori using the honey with a UMF factor of 17. The full course of treatment took about four months, which may be longer than standard antibiotic treatment, but there were no side effects. I took a teaspoon on a small piece of healthy grain bread three times a day twenty minutes before meals. I looked forward to each and every dose.

This amazing honey is also an excellent treatment for skin disorders and a great addition to skin care products. It has been used quite successfully for the care of external wounds. Scientific studies by Dr. Peter Molan have also shown its efficacy in treating infected abscesses and infected surgical wounds, skin ulcers, diabetic ulcers, burns, scars, boils, bedsores and the list goes on.

A medical grade UMF manuka honey that has been fully filtered and sterilized with gamma radiation is recommended for the treatment of severe deep wounds.

It is important to ensure that the honey has a unique Manuka factor (UMF) in order to receive its many health benefits. The bottles will have an active number on the label. The higher the number, the greater the antibacterial activity. I have seen UMF factors as high as 30. More is not always better in this case. Due to its strength, active manuka honey above 18 may be too strong for some people and will burn. I do not recommend anything below active 12 or above active 18 when used medicinally.

Now that honey is gaining in popularity in this country, it’s important to make sure you buy it from a reputable company. Check if the honey is produced in New Zealand and has a UMF factor and active number on the label. This guarantees potency. If the label doesn’t show an active number, it doesn’t have the antibacterial action this article is talking about. But if you just want a good-tasting honey, perhaps for tea or your favorite honey recipe, try regular manuka honey. I think you will be delighted with the taste.

Due to the potency of honey, it is not recommended to take more than the recommended amount, although it probably won’t cause any harm. For digestive ailments, I recommend taking a teaspoon of honey on a one-inch piece of whole-grain bread twenty minutes before meals. For sore throats, a teaspoon of honey can be taken without the bread to coat the throat area. Drinking this honey in tea dilutes the beneficial antibacterial effects.

Honey should never be given to a child younger than twelve months.

For the care of wounds and skin ulcerations select honey that has been sterilized by gamma radiation. Always make sure to use sterile dressings after applying honey.

Authentic manuka honey costs more than regular honey, but once you try it, I think you’ll agree it’s worth the price.

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