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Liquid Paraffin and its Use in Moisturizing Creams

There have been some adverse comments about the use of aqueous emollients in our moisturizers and natural hand and body creams, with these detractors asserting the superior benefits of oils of animal or plant origin. Aqueous emollients are mineral based and are commonly known as liquid paraffin emulsifying ointments. They are used by 95% of the medical and cosmetic industries in creams, eye make-up removers, and most cream-based products. Liquid paraffin, sounds terrible with some people saying why would we use mineral based products on our bodies and faces to soak into our skin and of course we use this precious mineral to make candles, plastics and even in the manufacturing of our tires Of automobiles.

The simple truth is that what we use in our moisturizers is a very different refined product and most importantly, it works. This mineral is diverse and comes in many forms, raw, tailored, and refined. So this refined liquid paraffin product ends up as a smooth and effective ointment. Yes, it’s relatively inexpensive at this stage because it’s an abundant mineral, but it’s what we put into it that makes it cheap or expensive. So everything that dominates our life is animal, vegetable or mineral. We as humans are animals and most soaps are made from animal fat and are greasy until refined, processed and used on our skin as soap. Soap in general has never been good for our skin, it is only effective as a cleansing process, for example to loosen industrial grime, effective in the days of steam engines and coal mining.

Vegetable oils, both nut oils and vegetable oils, for example olive oils and seed oils, can be good as a base or carrier for vitamins and essential oils used with creams or for massage, but for me , most of these oils are better used for cooking, for example olive oil. Flaxseed oil is very good for our digestion, but it is best used as seeds as an additive to our morning cereal. The oil tastes disgusting and smells as if it should be used on wood, as indeed it commonly does. Therefore, vegetable, nut and seed oils are not as compatible as skin products, as when mixed with water they separate. They’re fine when mixed with essential oils and used as a massage, but the last thing we want on our skin is an oily substance that cooks us. This was very fashionable in the 1960s with tanning oils. Sun creams are now mostly cream-based emollients.

Mix liquid paraffin with water and it turns into a beautiful, tasteless and odorless cream. But the biggest point in its favor is that it is widely used by the medical profession as their preferred ingredient to help relieve itchy skin irritations such as eczema and other allergy-related skin problems. Some dermatologists use it to make creams for themselves, and oncologists recommend it as a moisturizer for cancer victims. Then come the cosmetic companies that give liquid paraffin a bad name by mixing it with chemical products, perfumes and vitamin derivatives and everything else that is considered fashionable, many of which cause us to itch and allergic reactions.

So look for moisturizers that are free of preservatives, dyes, and chemicals. Remember that most products should have a long shelf life and therefore should include preservatives, but there are small companies with purely natural hand and body creams that do not contain any additives or preservatives, so read the ingredients carefully next time. time you buy a moisturizer and don’t. Don’t let the liquid paraffin ingredient put you off. It is pure refined and qualified dermatologists confirm that it works and is the best anti wrinkle skin cream.

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