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Life: like a game of Ludo

Did I hear you say “Life is risky”? Living life is like rolling dice in a game of Ludo. A die has different faces, but you only need one face to start your game; at six (6). Once he starts, he can no longer predict the faces he shows when he throws; maybe 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. You only play with what you have, whether it moves your checker to the final square safely or creeps, whether it carries you far or slows you down.

Actually, you don’t play this game alone, you play with an opponent and each person takes their turn to run the tiles to the final square without problems. Sometimes the race of one of your pieces ends suddenly and starts again from scratch, while some reach the finish square. Some complete their task along the way by getting rid of an opponent’s token. Every move you make is a risk because you never know what your opponent is up to.

Every time you release a token with a ‘SIX’ it indicates that each new chapter of your life starts perfectly. For example, the day you were born, got married or got a new job, but the journey is so unpredictable. Each move your token makes represents the steps you take as you progress through the pages of life. Sometimes it is towards your victory, but other times it is towards your defeat.

Not every chapter you open ends happily. Most of the tiles are returned to start from scratch, which means that sometimes life hits you so hard that you need to go back and start the journey all over again. When his token lands on the ‘house colored squares’, the player feels safe; when we finally get what we want at the end of the road, it is usually a resting place where no one can catch us.

Each player finishes one at a time, which means we can’t all do it at the same time, some are smarter, some are slower, and some cheat to win. To avoid being a loser, you must acquire the necessary skills to outshine your opponent. You need to know and apply the rules of the game and think one step ahead of your contemporaries.

You have to win no matter how hard it is because you can’t afford to be a loser. No matter how many times your strategy fails, no matter how many times you get knocked out and have to retrace your steps, keep playing because THE MORE YOU PLAY, THE BETTER YOU GET.

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