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Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.

keep an open mind

What have you been waiting for that didn’t turn out the way you planned? Is it a goal, a dream, to be in a committed relationship, or something similar? Why haven’t your plans materialized yet? It is important that we consider all the possibilities because there could be other reasons why things have not manifested the way we would like. Sometimes the universe has a bigger plan for us, which is equal to the game of chess. Moves must be calculated in the same way that a grandmaster considers all the possibilities of a chess move.

So just because something hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. In fact, it can happen better than you expect. You have to be convinced of it and maintain the belief that things will get better. For example, you can’t just sit around waiting for a relationship to materialize out of nowhere. You have to be working on yourself, so that when a suitable person comes along, you are ready for it. Similarly, it might require more self-inquiry, such as healing past hurts or clarifying why you want to be in a relationship.

After years of writing, speaking, and advising on personal growth, I firmly believe that we live in a supportive universe. As long as we are aligned with our larger selves and connected with love, peace, and harmony, everything we desire will come to us at the right time. What are your thoughts on this? You may not agree because experience has shown you otherwise, and that’s okay. It’s normal for you to feel this way now, and I’m not trying to convince you of something that isn’t true for you. But I ask you: are you willing to change your beliefs or consider the possibility that what I am saying might be true?

I have seen it in my own life and in the hundreds of people I have trained over the years. I have no desire to make these things up, get likes and shares. If these words don’t resonate with you, no matter how often they are shared, they will be thrown away. The proof is to put it to the test, to see if it works for you. It may work for some people and be wrong for others. It’s a matter of trying new ideas and keeping an open mind. I do not claim to be an expert on how the universe works. My research and study on the subject show that the universe works in mysterious ways and without knowing what we understand.

I have seen this in my own life where unexpected events occurred. Some were blessings and some were unpleasant surprises that challenged me to grow. But I have learned not to focus on the chaos, but to ride through the storm and wait for the growth to appear. In fact, when I experience challenges, I welcome them because I know something wonderful is going on behind the scenes. I know that if the universe pushes me to expand through pain and discomfort, there are wonderful lessons in store for me.

Maintain a high bandwidth of positive emotions

So just because that wonderful relationship didn’t happen doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. You have to assign a deep belief that life can change unexpectedly. It happens every day; some people lose their job in a day. Others get married in a day. Fortunes are lost and won in a day. The universe is mysterious and we must embrace it, not fear it. The same entity that brings us challenges also offers us wonderful surprises and blessings. It is a matter of perception and how we view our experiences. Are you comfortable with these ideas so far? Are you beginning to see that just because your circumstances are the same, doesn’t mean you will follow the same trajectory forever?

So how can you use this knowledge in the future? How can you get past those moments when nothing seems to be going right? It is found in your faith and patience. You have to trust a benevolent universe to bring you what you need because your desires are not separate from life. The fact that you have a desire is born from the same intelligence that gave you life. I assume your desire is not to hurt others or contravene natural laws. If so, our desires will manifest once we are aligned with the grand plan for our lives. We don’t know what the plan is, but one indicator that we’re on the right track is how we feel. Our emotions are our barometer, whether our desires are aligned with universal laws or go against the grain.

Therefore, if you are feeling guilt, anger, disappointment, anxiety, or sadness, it is very likely that your desire is not aligned with what is right for you. However, if you feel joy, happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, and passion, your desire is most likely aligned with what is right for you. It’s a matter of nurturing those emotions constantly. Having wants and needs is not selfish, but it is important that we feel good about them. So if the thought of being in a loving, committed relationship makes you feel joy, love, and peace, you’re on the right track. It’s about staying aligned with those emotions on a consistent basis.

That’s all you need to do. The key is to get out of your head and into your heart and maintain a high bandwidth of positive emotions, without sabotaging it with negative thoughts. But being the meaning-making machines that we are, we can’t help but overanalyze when things don’t work out. Suddenly, we go from feeling good to negativity and wondering why our desires haven’t manifested. Knowing this, I invite you to write in your journal five things that you want to manifest. In a column next to your desires, write what emotions come up when you contemplate achieving them? Is it love, peace, joy, happiness, etc.? Focus on these emotions when you think about your desires. If you start to think about the reasons why it hasn’t happened yet, welcome your thoughts and bring your attention back to your positive emotions. Remember, the key is to quiet your mind and let your emotions guide you. Because our past doesn’t need to dictate our future, but it can be a wonderful springboard to a life beyond our wildest dreams.

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