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Is there a way to balance the needs and challenges of being a PC ?: 5 examples

There seems to be a delicate balance between someone trying to do the right thing and behaving correctly and apparently the water! Many refer to the requirements of society as being politically correct or Personal computer. Some of these specifications are out of date due to the many irregularities that appear, in society, especially regarding the treatment of members of the opposite sex (sexual harassment, and / or worse), and how we treat minorities, Too often, in America, in what appears to be various forms of systemic racism. However, sometimes, it seems, we risk, exaggerating, this and, elements or behaviors, facts, without malice, etc., or, even, perhaps, as a misconceived joke, to be treated, the same, to the extent – worse, behaviors! With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 examples of these types of situations.

1. Sexual harassment: When one uses words that offend others knowingly and deliberately, there should be little doubt, he is guilty of harassment. On the other hand, there is often a fine line between bullying and stupidity, etc. Shouldn’t you also consider the degree of these actions, the degree, etc.? For example, when former Senator Al Franken, a former comedian, was charged with sexual harassment, based on some photos, taken during his previous career, and felt that he needed to resign, apparently the United States Senate lost, one! of the best representatives of the people! On the other hand, when the former president was charged, with many more serious crimes, by more than a dozen women, there seemed to be no ramifications! I strongly believe that women should be listened to, taken seriously, and encouraged to report true misconduct, but the accused must be allowed to defend himself, fairly and completely – just as we allow, any other accused!

two. Product names: Times change, is it fair to use current standards to assess past behaviors, etc.? When, products, like. Aunt jemima, Y From Uncle Ben, They are pressured to change their names, apparently this may be, in a way, an excessive scope.

3. Street names: Usually when the streets are named after some individual, it is usually done to honor that person’s work, etc. If, after many years, our interpretation of the person’s actions / behaviors is based on today’s expectations, rather than their time, is that fair? Can we hold people, who owned slaves, when that horrible behavior was legal, responsible for doing it, because now we recognize that it is wrong?

Four. Monuments, etc: Are we supposed to change or remove monuments because, now, we do not agree with the philosophy of an individual, when he was alive? Based on this standard, very few of us would withstand the times of evolution.

5. Books: If we start banning books, for whatever reason, aren’t we going beyond the supposed dangers of the subject, etc.?

While doing the right thing is essential and important, it does not strive to be PERSONAL COMPUTER, potentially dangerous and / or ridiculous and unfair? If we want to defend real problems, we must differentiate between certain behaviors / actions, and others!

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