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Is IBM Watson a Knowledge Management System?

Knowledge Management System

While the general application of knowledge management systems is a diverse range, they have a special place in customer service. eGain, a knowledge management vendor, has worked with hundreds of organizations, including fashion retailers, international telecommunications firms, and large government agencies. In all cases, the reason for deploying knowledge management systems is the same: to reduce the time it takes to resolve queries. Ultimately, this results in happier customers. A knowledge-based solution like IBM Watson will help customers to find answers to their questions without waiting on an agent to do so.

Watson’s ability to answer questions is an important part of its overall capability. The software has analytical and cognitive capabilities and can understand and respond to human speech. It can also process vast amounts of data and return answers. By using machine learning, it can improve its knowledge base. This will make it even more useful for businesses and consumers. And, as it continues to grow, businesses can expect to see more use for this technology.

IBM Watson can be used by end users as well. Doctors can use Watson to provide assessments about a patient’s condition. The platform also works in a variety of industries, such as healthcare predictive analytics, condition diagnosis, and smart city infrastructure planning. Moreover, it can even be used for legal case outcome analysis. However, some experts do not see the AI as a knowledge management system, but as a cognitive assistant.

Is IBM Watson a Knowledge Management System?

When using the IBM Watson knowledge base, it can make the process of discovering data easy. The IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog automatically profiles and enriches the data and provides built-in charts, dashboards, and visualizations. This makes it easier for employees to discover and access the right information for their needs. Moreover, it can reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. With the help of a Best knowledge management solution, businesses can reduce their customer support costs and improve their overall customer service quality.

Another feature of IBM Watson is its ability to categorize unstructured data. For example, a system that classifies questions can make it easy to find information. For example, a weather-related question can be classified as a simple question that needs a specific answer. If the knowledge base has more details about the weather, it is possible to create a more accurate answer.

The IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog is a central hub for data. Its built-in data refinement and federated semantics allow non-technical users to discover and manage their data. This means they can trust the information they use. It is possible to control and trace the lineage of data that comes from different sources. This capability is vital in any organization. The information they gain from this platform will be more reliable and efficient.

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