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Internet Marketing Assistance – For New Entrepreneurs Only

DO NOT RUSH in internet marketing! This is why!

Do you remember when your mother was hard at work in the kitchen preparing a new chicken dish or a chocolate dessert? She relied on her knowledge and skills and then experimented with ingredients, temperature, and cooking time until she was satisfied with the results. When she was satisfied, she recorded what she had done to document her success. You can still taste that dish every time you think of it. She always tasted the same. Why? Because the next time she made that dish she followed the recipe to the letter so it would come out the same.

Take a moment and reflect on where you are today and where you have been in your business career. Reflect on your successes. If you haven’t had a business career yet, think about where you’ve been in life. If you are a student, reflect on your academic and sports achievements. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, think of it in terms of your successes as a home finance manager, a transportation executive, and an executive chef.

Were your achievements instant? Did you get there during the night? It was lucky? I am sure that the answer to these questions is a resounding NO! You got there because you acquired knowledge, skills and put them into practice on a daily basis. Yes, that is the path that most people follow to achieve success.

What makes you think that being successful in Internet Marketing is any different? It is not! The process is the same for successful internet marketers. They acquire specific knowledge and skills. When their first successful program comes along that generates a steady stream of money, they document the success and that becomes their first recipe. The recipe is used for your next program. And they do it over and over again.

The difficulty begins for new entrepreneurs like you because you are inundated with emails from experienced internet marketers on “their” topic course for your success or how to be successful without a website, or any of several hundred ideas. I’m not saying these approaches are bad. I’m saying you’re not ready for them.

You are at the beginning of an internet marketing journey. Do it the right way. Enjoy the process of absorbing internet marketing knowledge and gaining internet marketing skills and build a solid foundation to ensure your long-term success at IM. This solid foundation will develop into your own IM Plan.

Since you’re at the beginning, let’s talk about your vision. It is not a good idea to take a narrow view at this stage. You have to have a very broad vision. You need to see how big IM really is. I have personally identified over 100 different internet marketing topics. These topics will prepare you for “What You Need to Do” and “How to Use Instant Messaging Tools to Help Get Them Done.” After that, you need to set yourself up for profitability by learning “How to Generate Traffic for Your Offers” and “How to Convert That Traffic Into Repeat Paying Customers.” Like any successful business person, you need to know “How to Stay Organized” and “How to Manage Your Time.” This is your focus. His approach is called “Getting Instant Messaging Skills Without Ever Losing Place in the Big Picture.”

There is one last thing you should know. Internet marketing is not rocket science. It is a discipline and can definitely be learned.

Now you can Google each of those 100+ topics on IM yourself and do your own research if you want, but wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to go through all that? Wouldn’t it be nice if you already had a strategy in place that prioritizes which skills you should acquire first and why? Once you have a solid skill set, you will be able to evaluate all the offers you receive from the internet.

In interweb business, friendship and service,
Tom (TR)Ryan

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