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How to Unlock a Down Tube

When it comes to cleaning gutters, it takes considerable time to decide what to do. Most of the time when your gutters are leaking or your downspouts are overflowing, it is usually caused by a blocked downspout. Generally, the downspout can be easily blocked with something as simple as a tennis ball or golf ball. So if you don’t have a lot of trees around your house, just get on a ladder and check all the downspouts.

So you finally decided that you would clean the gutters and unblock the downspouts yourself. Then there are a few things you really need to know before undertaking the task. When climbing stairs and working at heights, it is important to keep safety in mind. Always be sure to wear closed shoes, as this helps prevent slips and falls. You should also look up when installing or climbing a ladder to make sure there are no power lines or telephone cables that could cause a safety problem.

When you have met all the necessary safety and equipment requirements. Next, you need to start locating the downspouts along your gutter system. Often times, a simple check and forcing the end of a garden hose into each downcomer will unblock them enough. It should also always be placed under each downspout with the hose facing in to ensure that the water flows correctly and all the way.

If the downspouts are really clogged with dirt and other debris. Take the end of the hose and push it into the downspout as far as it will go. Move it around and try to get a little less than 1 meter into the downspout. When you have inserted a sufficient amount of hose into the downspout, you can turn on the water tap. This will generally unblock most downspouts.

Once you’ve unblocked and cleaned your gutter system, you can also look for further prevention. Many people install gutter protectors and other gutter systems that help prevent gutters and downspouts from blocking all the time. You can buy a cheaper gutter protector at your local hardware store or pay a professional to install a higher quality gutter protector.

If you think cleaning your gutters or unblocking downspouts yourself seems like a difficult task or you just can’t physically do it yourself. Then you can often reach out to someone else to do it for you.

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